As the 2024 presidential election draws near, many on the right are increasingly 

concerned about potential efforts to rig the results in Joe Biden’s favor.

Considering the incumbent president’s record-low approval rating, some pundits 

warn that the Democratic Party could resort to fraud as a last-ditch effort to 

drag Biden across the finish line in November.

For its part, the Republican National Committee is ramping up its efforts to root 

out any such misdeeds, as the committee’s co-chair explained at an event 

on Friday.

According to Fox News:

Lara Trump, co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC) and 

former President Trump’s daughter-in-law, vowed Friday to prosecute 

anyone who cheats in an election.

“This year is the year we do it,” Lara Trump said at Turning Point USA’s 

convention in Detroit, Michigan. “We are also sending a loud and clear 

message out there to anyone who thinks about cheating in an election, 

we will find you, we will track you down and we will prosecute you 

to the full extent of the law.”

The RNC on Friday launched a swing state initiative to mobilize thousands 

of polling place monitors, poll workers and attorneys to serve as “election 

integrity” watchdogs in November.

Lara Trump said the goal is to recruit more than 100,000 poll watchers 

and 500 lawyers to deploy at election sites across the country.

The issue of voter fraud is nothing new, of course, and evidence has 

mounted in the years since Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 election.

The Associated Press offered some additional coverage of the safeguards being put in 
place by the RNC:

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said Friday that the committee will place election
 integrity directors in 15 states, including the most hotly contested battlegrounds, 
and work with state parties to set up similar programs in the other states.

“What we need to ensure is integrity in our electoral process,” RNC Co-chair 
Lara Trump, the former president’s daughter-in-law, said during the kickoff event 
in Bloomfield Hills, in a suburban county that is crucial for winning Michigan. 
“We can never go back and repeat 2020, but we can learn the lessons from 2020.”

Here’s what Lara Trump said her father-in-law’s supporters should do in order 
to ensure their votes are counted: