Friday, June 14, 2024

Gov DeSantis OBLITERATES Biden for allowing Russian warships off the coast of Florida

 Governor DeSantis was asked a few moments ago about the Russian warships sitting 200 miles off the coast of Florida and he responded like a boss, torching Biden for allowing this to happen.

DeSantis pointed out that our adversaries have become more aggressive thanks to Biden’s posture of weakness and that they are only deterred by strength, not by “a president wandering around aimlessly at the G7.”

Watch below, which starts just after 14:30:

Below is the full transcript:

Well I’m the governor of Florida, I’m not the Commander-in-Chief. But if my responsibilities were different that would not be something that we would allow to be happening. I think it’s really concerning. I think that under this administration they’ve put out a posture of weakness that has invited more aggressive actions from our adversaries.

Now Russia, this isn’t their first foreway into the Western Hemisphere obviously, if you look through history. But I think the amount of activity amongst hostile nations in our own hemisphere is probably at a level that we have not seen in many, many years. And if you look at how the governments of this hemisphere are constituted now, most of them are more aligned the Russias and the Chinas unfortunately, than with the United States and the free world.

So I think it is problematic. I think that history has shown that these bad actors, they respond to strength and they are deterred by strength. They are not going to be deterred by weakness. They are not going to be deterred by confusion. They are not going to be deterred by a president wandering around aimlessly at the G7. They are going to be deterred because they know that’s not somebody that you want to mess with. We’re failing as a country with the deterrent capability and I think it starts at the top with the president of the United States.

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