Friday, June 21, 2024

Defense Department Won’t Release Report on Funding of Chinese Research Laboratories – Blames ‘Limitations in the DoD Tracking Systems’

Wuhan laboratory technicians at the Institute of Virology experimenting on live animals.

US taxpayers hand over nearly a trillion dollars to the Department of Defense every year.

In March the Defense Department laid out details of its $849.8 billion budget request, which is expected to fund operations during fiscal year 2025.

In November 2023 the Department of Defense announced the completion of a department-wide financial statement. Michael McCord, the DoD Under Secretary of Defense and Chief Financial Officer, announced at the time, “Auditing the Department’s $3.8 trillion in assets and $4.0 trillion in liabilities is a massive undertaking. But the improvements and changes we are making every day as a result of these audits positively affect every soldier, sailor, airman, marine, guardian, and DoD civilian.”

On Thursday The Department of Defense announced that they were having trouble finding out the exact extent of taxpayer dollars that are going to Chinese research laboratories – “The full extent of DoD funds provided to Chinese research laboratories for research related to enhancement of pathogens of pandemic potential is unknown.”

They can’t figure it out. Apparently, they have no idea how much money is going to Chinese biolabs!

Via Catturd2

The Department of Defense did not track the funding to Chinese labs related to pathogen research.

Here is the report’s conclusion:

(U) Conclusion
(U) We found significant limitations with the adequacy of data, similar to the observations the GAO found in its reports. Specifically, the DoD did not track funding at the level of detail necessary to determine whether the DoD provided funding to Chinese research laboratories or other foreign countries for research related to enhancement of pathogens of pandemic potential. In addition, DoD organizations did not have visibility of subaward information throughout the life of contracts and grants. In addition, except for the CDMRP electronic grants system, DoD organizations could not effectively search award systems to identify all contracts, subcontracts, grants, and subgrants that may have been related to pathogen research performed by China and other foreign countries. As a result, DoD organizations could not produce a complete population of pathogen research grants and subawards necessary for us to conclude on the use of DoD funds provided for pathogen research.

But US-funded research labs are not only limited to Communist China.

In June 2022 the Defense Department also admitted that they were funding 46 US military-funded biolabs in war torn Ukraine. Victoria Nuland admitted during testimony before a US Senate committee the existence of biological research labs in Ukraine.

Russia released alleged captured documents from Ukraine exposing evidence of US Military Biolabs in Ukraine.

Russia made the accusations in front of the United Nations General Assembly.

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