Friday, May 17, 2024

Biden hack John Kirby uses double speak to claim Biden isn’t withholding bombs from Israel and it is PATHETIC

White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby used double speak to claim that Joe Biden isn’t withholding the 2,000 pound bombs from Israel.

A reporter asked Kirby: “Can you just talk about the impact that the president’s withholding of those 2,000 pound bombs have had the relationship and Israeli decision making when it comes to what we’re seeing in Rafah right now?”

Notice her question was very specific, but this is Kirby’s response: “It’s not a withholding. There was a pause put in place on a shipment of 2,000 pound bombs and that pause is still in place.”

Watch below:

In other words, John Kirby is peeing on your leg while telling you it’s raining. These people are despicable.

In absolutely related news, this article comes from a military expert via CNN and is very much worth reading. He blames Biden for causing more casualties in how they have prevented Israel from winning the war and said this international pressure is paving the way for a Hamas victory:

Since Hamas’ attack on southern Israel on October 7, military expert John Spencer has been carefully observing the Israel Defense Forces’ war against the terror organization, including on two trips he made to the Gaza Strip as an embed with the IDF over the winter.

Spencer tells CNN Opinion that he sees a military with the capability to rapidly eviscerate Hamas’ army being held back by the international community. He feels that the US bears some of the responsibility for the devastation in Gaza because of how it’s slowed down and limited Israel’s ability to win the war. It’s a restraint that he says the US hasn’t imposed on its own military campaigns, and it has the effect of increasing Palestinian casualties and suffering by dragging out the fighting.

Spencer makes these assessments after 25 years of service as an infantry soldier, including two combat tours in Iraq. He’s now the chair of urban warfare studies with the Modern War Institute at West Point, and his personal experience and research has been key to his perspective on Israel’s campaign and how it compares to American military operations.

The US pressure on Israel has come to a head in Rafah, the southern Gaza city believed to be Hamas’ last major stronghold and a key point for weapons smuggling across the Egyptian border. But the US is withholding some types of arms that it fears could be used by Israel in Rafah as part of a bid to prevent a major IDF offensive there, even as it is reportedly readying a significant sale of other weapons. The US is warning that a large-scale ground incursion is sure to cause more death and suffering among Gaza civilians, hundreds of thousands of whom have been taking refuge in the city.

Spencer argues that, by taking this approach, the US is inadvertently paving the way for a Hamas victory. “War is hell,” Spencer affirms. But, he notes, war is also deeply engrained in human nature. When democracies are attacked, as they inevitably will be, they must conduct wars in ways that quickly bring victory in order to achieve lasting peace.

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President Trump holds rally in Wisconsin

President Trump is holding a rally in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin at 3:30PM ET and you can watch it below: