Thursday, November 30, 2023

WATCH: Sen. Kennedy Skewers Dem Narrative on Chicago and Gun Deaths, Liberal Media Flips Out


In the past, we've seen Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) trip up Biden nominees and witnesses pushing Democratic narratives with some great questions. 

On Wednesday, he skewered a witness on the subject of gun deaths, including in Chicago, and destroyed the Democratic narrative on the question in the process.

Sen. John Kennedy was questioning Dr. Megan Ranney, who works at the Yale School of Public Health. He also questioned another witness at the end and got a surprising final answer from that guy about punishing rapists. 

Kennedy observed that Chicago has become "America's largest outdoor shooting range." He asked Ranney if she thought that was because of citizens who lawfully kept guns in their homes for protection or hunting or if she thought it was "because of a finite group of criminals who have rap sheets as long as King Kong's arm?" 

Ranney compared Chicago to three red states and claimed Mississippi, Louisiana, and Missouri "actually have higher firearm death rates."

"What about Chicago?" Kennedy inquired.

"I think there’s easy access to firearms combined with environmental conditions, lack of great education," Ranney responded. "There have actually been studies that when you green vacant lots and repair abandoned buildings in urban neighborhoods you see decreases in gunshots and violence as well as in stress and depression in the neighborhoods around them."

"No disrespect, doc, but that sounds a lot like a word salad to me," Kennedy responded.

He then pointed out a variety of Democratic cities with left-wing DAs and asked her if their failure to prosecute might affect those gun numbers. She ducked the questions, saying she was not a lawyer. 

Ranney equated gun deaths to heart disease in her opening statement. "Do you support outlawing fried foods?" Kennedy asked. She ran away from that one, too, denying she had said that she was for outlawing any guns. 

How do you know that Kennedy laid out the witness and was over the target? 

Liberal media immediately flipped out. You can hear the relevant part about Chicago, and then "Morning Joe's" Mika Brzezinski claims Kennedy is a "racist."

She fails to point out exactly what he said that was racist and claims, without evidence, that he was dead wrong. Is just bringing up that Chicago has a problem racist? How crazy is that? If anything, it's the Democrats who are racist for failing to ever truly address gun crime and deaths in Chicago, where many of those deaths are of black people. Democrats have controlled Chicago for decades. 

On the contrary, Kennedy is right, and the Democratic narrative and Ranney's take on red states is flawed. 

"Let's see," Reason magazine associate editor Billy Binion posted on X. "Some recent stats: Mississippi's gun homicide rate: ~13 murders per 100,000 people; Louisiana's gun homicide rate: ~15 murders per 100,000 people; Missouri's gun homicide rate: ~11 murders per 100,000 people; Chicago's gun homicide rate: ~29 murders per 100,000 people."

"Why do you pick just a couple of states to compare?" John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, posted on X. "Is that how public health researchers do research? Why don't you look at local crime rates where policing policies are determined and where DAs and judges are almost always selected?"

If you remove the blue cities from the red states, such as New Orleans, the murder rates tend to fall. 

But Democrats don't want to talk about that because it puts paid to their narrative.

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