Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Twitter Has Prime Grade Responses After the UN Calls for Americans to Stop Eating Meat


Oh, joy. The United Nations is trying to tell Americans how to live again. 

Yes, the organization that refuses to condemn Hamas, supports the mutilation and sterilization of children, and just named Iran ...yes, that Iran .. as the head of its Human Rights Council is now set to outline a prescription for Americans to reduce eating meat. 


Why? Well, because of 'climate change,' of course.

From Fox News: 

lead United Nations agency overseeing food and agriculture policy is expected to issue a road map in the coming weeks which will call on the West, including America, to dramatically reduce its meat consumption.

The UN's Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) will publish its so-called global food systems’ road map during the upcoming COP28 climate summit in Dubai which will kick off on Thursday and extend nearly two weeks until mid-December.

Because nothing says 'we care about the planet and the environment' like hundreds of elites taking their private jets to Dubai for a week to tell the rest of the world that we're horrible people and need to do better. 

We're sure John Kerry will be there too, arguing once again that we need to destroy the agriculture industry for some mythical 'net zero' goal. But, somehow, we're guessing there will be no bugs on the menu in Dubai. 

Anyway, you can guess how this ridiculousness is going over on Twitter/X. We'll let many of the responses to the UN just speak for themselves.

We're pretty sure they passed 'annoying' ages ago, and have now reached 'active enemy of the people.' We, after all, are the carbon that they actually want to reduce.

Bring some Arby's too. Those roast beef sandwiches rock with some Arby's Sauce and Horsey Sauce on them.


We think it's high time the United Nations got booted out of New York and the U.S. entirely. We can build a meat processing plant where their headquarters used to be.

Plenty of people announced their meal plans after hearing this new forthcoming edict from the UN. 

This writer is making the earliest reservations available for a Brazilian churrascaria. Because the only thing better than meat is meat that is served on a sword. 


You'd think this would be impossible, but the UN just keeps outdoing themselves. 

And there it is. Trust us, United Nations: there is nothing Americans care less about in the entire world than what you tell us to do. 

Now, if you'll excuse us, we're off to the butcher to buy the entire window case full of meat. And probably most of the sausage hanging from the ceiling as well.

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