Monday, September 4, 2023

Acting Labor Sec Claims Workers Believe Biden On Their Side, These Angry Voters Disagree

During an interview with CNN acting Labor Secretary Julie Su, who clearly lives on a different planet than the rest of us, claimed that workers know Biden is on their side.

Su was asked by CNN correspondent Phil Mattingly why one of the nation’s largest unions has not yet endorsed Biden’s re-election.

“I know you’re not in — in the political sphere, but I — I have been fascinated by UAW’s decision not to endorse up to this point. Has there been any sense in your discussions, the administration’s discussions that an endorsement is contingent on getting some kind of an agreement over the finish line that benefits them?”

Su’s response has many scratching their heads as it shows just how detached from reality she really is:

“The president is really focused on doing right by workers, and enjoys, obviously, very broad support from — from unions, from Union leaders, from working people. I traveled the country and I talked to workers who feel like, you know, some sense of hope, right, that this government is on their side, that we’re focused on creating good jobs with the path to the middle class. So we’re focused on opportunity.”

If Su has really traveled the country meeting with working class people and truly believes they broadly support Joe Biden then either she has only met with a cherry picked group of Democrats or her judgement needs to be questioned.

The vast majority or working class people support Donald Trump and believe Bidenomics has utterly failed them.

RELATED: Rap Superstar Who Publicly Backed Biden Gets Rude Inflation Surprise When Looking at Grocery Bill

Watch what happens when a group of voters is asked whether or not Bidenomics is a success:

The people in the second video live in the real world and understand how badly Bidenomics has hurt them and others like them.

All you have to is go to the grocery story to see for yourself.

Rich Washington DC elites who live in the Democrat bubble have no clue what it’s like for the rest of us to live with Bidenomics.

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