Tuesday, August 22, 2023

'Squad' Member Furious After Poll Shows Biden Crushing Her: 'Wasting People's Time'

Well, color this writer as genuinely surprised. Political figures that are, somehow, even more demonstrably unpopular than President Joe Biden actually do exist.

Now, as unfathomable as it may be that the wildly and historically unpopular Biden has this sort of competition, it’s also not so impossible to imagine the type of politician that would be less desirable than him.

You would just need to find a vividly anti-American, far-left, self-absorbed, loathsome ideologue masquerading as an elected official, which there is simply no shortage of in the Democratic party.

Enter: original “squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar.

The representative from Minnesota became the unwitting subject of some nonsensical — but rather hilarious — findings of pollster The Center Square.

The outfit ran an article breaking down how Biden would handily beat most hypothetical Democratic competitors to his incumbent presidency, at least based on polls conducted with registered voters.

(The crux of the poll revealed that, as has been repeated in the past, former first lady Michelle Obama actually represents the stiffest challenge to Biden’s incumbency.)

The poll found that Biden trounced actual declared competition, such as author Marianne Williamson and Robert Kennedy Jr., rather handily.

Those same voters had Biden holding leads over hypothetical competition such as Hillary Clinton and Gavin Newsom. Again, the only hypothetical candidate that actually beat Biden in these polls is Obama.

But buried at the bottom of the list, Biden demolished the aforementioned Omar by a whopping 53 points. Yes, the elderly president some have accused of having early onset dementia is handily beating a young woman in her mental prime.

It was a hilarious referendum on Omar’s popularity and leadership, but also rather pointless because Omar cannot run for president, ever.

She is not a naturally born citizen (she was born in Somalia), so therefore, Ilhan Omar can’t run for president, rendering Biden’s dominance over her rather pointless.

Still, at the very least, the poll engendered an annoyed response from the Minnesota lawmaker:

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“You all know I am not eligible to run for President, why do this and wasting people’s time???” Omar posted to X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

And with all due respect to Ms. Omar, feasible or not, this poll is hardly “wasting people’s time.” Sure, this poll shows the decrepit Biden beating you senseless in a poll, but there are lessons to be learned here.

If Omar is capable of introspection, she may want to ask herself why and how she is magnitudes more unpopular than the octogenarian-in-chief.

The answer is rather simple: Outside of their own little far-left pockets, “squad” members and their collective far-leftism simply do not represent the will of the American people.

Sure it may snag them a district or three in sapphire blue Minnesota and New York, but it’s simply not a winning message on a national level.

Even the horrifically inept Biden appears to be aware of that. (His actions will always scream far left, but at least the incumbent president has the wherewithal to speak empty platitudes about unity and working across the aisle.)

Omar and her ilk do not appear to be aware of this — at all — and it should speak volumes that Omar’s response to this poll was one of annoyance instead of self-inspection.


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