Once upon a time, some conservatives thought that they might flee the country for the U.K. or Europe when things went to hell, which is where things are headed now. But a cursory look at the headlines from across the pond shows that things are not much better over there. In fact, in some cases, they are much worse. It would seem that some elements in Germany want to add some extra amenities to the daycare centers there. And parents were understandably livid.
Reduxx notes that the group in question, Pro Familia, has issued guidance recommending that daycares add “sexual games” and “body exploration rooms.” Parents got an email from the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) daycare center in the Hanover region about the plan. The email listed ten rules for children using the rooms.
From the German magazine Bild:
All children, especially preschoolers, are aware of the places in the facility where nudity and body exploration can take place. Each child decides for themselves whether and with whom they want to play physical and sexual games. Girls and boys pet and examine each other only as much as is comfortable for themselves and other children.
In addition to being in the same age group, the age gap must not be more than two years, and children are not allowed to stick anything in another child’s openings. Parents commented, “My daughter is five years old. I don’t want boys groping her. I have another child in another daycare center [where] there is no such thing [as an exploration room],” and “I’m devastated. We were told that this was determined by the Ministry of Education. As parents, we were intimidated. What options do you have if you don’t want this?” The Ministry of Education in Lower Saxony put an end to the program even before it got off the ground, rightfully observing that it put children at risk. But the Chairman of the Board of the AWO, Dirk von der Osten, commented:
Exploring one’s own body is part of child development, during which they also learn to recognize their own limits, to express them clearly, and to develop shame. Children also play role-playing games in their group rooms. We do not see any child welfare endangerment in this.
Reduxx said that despite the innocuous-sounding name, Pro Familia has a history of promoting pedophilia in its magazine articles in the 80s and 90s. The group also supported sociologist and gay rights advocate Rüdiger Lautmann. Lautmann was the author of a 1994 book titled, “The Lust for Children: A Portrait of Pedophiles.” The book was a hit with pedophiles since it painted them in a sympathetic light and referred to pedophilia as an orientation.
Of his research subjects, Lautmann commented, “They really love the children, read their every wish, organize trips, buy toys and are only comfortable around children… Our study defines the term pedophile, distinguishes it from incest, abuse and sadism. We prove that such men exist. The thesis is therefore: The desire for a child is an independent and differentiated sexual form. Pedophilia is therefore a sexual orientation like any other and no longer a perversion” (sic).
Related: Canadian Professor Advocates for Showing Children Pictures of Genitals
Parents in Germany should take a cue from Moms for Liberty and school board parents in the United States. For Pro Familia and the AWO, this may have been a teachable moment. There may not be an email next time.
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