Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Mastercard Prepping for Digital Currency


Mastercard just launched a program that is compatible with Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). So, if the Feds launch a CBDC, Mastercard is positioning itself to be the electronic means through which your money is processed by a Central Bank.

Mastercard is partnering with a company called Fluency whose CEO praised its own “forward-thinking partnership with Mastercard helping CBDC networks seamlessly bridge transactions between different types of CBDC: account and token-based, retail and wholesale, multi-CBDC with tokenized assets and regulated stablecoins.”

A government-run financial world has no room for freedom. NOTHING will be allowed outside what the government allows.

Already, 93% of central banks are investigating a CBDC. This is a major part of a mushrooming plan to control every aspect of your life. This is not going away anytime soon.

This must be taken seriously, and we must act now! Help us wake up Congress before Joe Biden succeeds with his plan for a CBDC! Tell Congress to VOTE YES on HR 1122, HR 3712, and S 887 to protect Americans from Biden’s grab for our money! — Mat

Mastercard is not the only credit card to join in this preparation for the New World Order’s Central Bank Digital Currency.

The International Standards Organization (ISO) partnered with the World Health Organization (WHO) to do the globalist agency’s bidding on guns. Last fall, the ISO, headquartered in Geneva near the WHO, launched a dedicated code for gun retailers.

Discover Financial Services announced it would become the first credit card to use the ISO tracking system. Discover planned to launch the ISO in April. Visa and American Express also announced they would use the ISO tracking code.

But then Visa and American Express halted “their plans to add a code for gun stores as Republican state lawmakers move forward with efforts to block implementation,” according to Money and Reuters. With these two credit card giants hitting the pause button, Discover has also paused.

For now, the good news is that political pushback caused these credit card companies to pause their rollout. But the bad news is they intended to implement the ISO codes. While we have temporarily won a skirmish, we have not won the war.

Tracking is a necessary step to build a comprehensive list of gun owners, and it is a necessary step for denying purchases that trigger the code.

On its website under “Public Health Approach to Gun Violence Prevention,” the WHO claims that “Gun violence is a public health epidemic.” As such, the WHO seeks to “outline a public health approach to violence prevention” and to “ensure widespread adoption” of the policies it would develop, including tracking every gun owner and purchaser with an eye toward eliminating guns and knives. (emphasis added)

There is a coordinated effort to control your money and silence your voice! Joe Biden is hoping that Congress doesn't notice and you don’t care. Fax Congress NOW!

A global digital currency would — with the click of a button — move all of your money under the control of a Central Bank that would govern all spending and redistribute wealth based on distorted views of “equity.”

Joe Biden shares the goals of the International Monetary Fund and other global leaders. Biden’s executive order on CBDC states: “We must take strong steps … combating and preventing crime and illicit finance; … [supporting] financial inclusion and equity; and climate change and pollution.” (emphasis added)

This is clear evidence that the federal government will set up the Central Bank Digital Currency as a weapon to do the following:

  1. Impose wealth distribution by giving greater value to digital currency for some classes of people and reducing the value to others.

  2. Impose equity by assigning a higher value to currency held by some classes of people while reducing the value of another class of people.

  3. Advance a “climate change” agenda by restricting spending on certain items, such as gas-powered vehicles, the amount of gas one may purchase, and so on.

  4. Use “pollution” as an excuse to control your money and spending.

We already know their goal of “equity” is to tear down what has been built up so that everyone is mired in squalid poverty.

A government-controlled digital money system will put our government in control of every aspect of your life. We cannot let that happen.

These attacks on freedom are coming thicker and faster. Tell Congress to VOTE YES on HR 1122, HR 3712, and S 887 to protect Americans from Biden’s grab for our money!

Working together, we are on the front lines fighting on Capitol Hill, across America, and around the world. Help defend freedom with your powerful gift to our ministry today. The impact of your donation today will be DOUBLED by our Challenge Grant.

Mat Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. Also, sign our petition.

(I will provide the link below to sign the petition - Miss Jesse)

Thank you BonLovesFreedom for this information

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