Monday, August 7, 2023

Large numbers of Chinese illegal aliens are showing up in America

For all four years of Trump’s presidency, the Democrat establishment never let up: “Russia! Russia! Russia!”—as if a corrupt country with a dying population and a minimal industrial base was a threat to us. (The Dems never minded the very powerful Soviet Union.) Donald Trump tried very hard to get America to focus on the real risk, which is China. All the Chinese stories in the news of late show he was correct…and a new one has just been added to the list, which involves Chinese citizens (foot soldiers?) being smuggled into America.

Here are just a few things to consider about China vis-à-vis America:

Image: Chinese “migrants” at the border (cropped). YouTube screen grab.

While it’s true that China has problems—a drastically declining population and an artificially inflated economy, for starters—it’s still a global threat because it seeks to empower itself by spreading its empire. After all, having an empire sending riches home is what kept both Rome and England at the top of the heap for so long.

The main threat to China’s push for dominance is America. It’s true that we’ve become a markedly less consequential country under Biden (a trend that started under Obama or, heck, even under Clinton), but we still matter. We’re still China’s greatest geopolitical rival.

Therefore, it’s unnerving to know that, among the millions of military-aged men from around the world marching across our open southern border, many are Chinese. This NBC article tries to make it sound as if the “at least 4,300 Chinese undocumented migrants” apprehended are tired, hungry, huddled masses but, if you look at the pictures, they’re military-aged men. And that’s just the ones who were caught.

Now we learn that the government is worried that Chinese illegal aliens are also slipping into America through Florida:

Federal authorities are growing increasingly concerned about a route Chinese migrants are utilizing to make their way to Florida illegally, according to an internal federal intelligence report obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The report states that law enforcement lacks information regarding who is coordinating the smuggling between the Bahamas and Florida, where the migrants are being staged in the Bahamas and why Chinese migrants are choosing the Caribbean island. It also references recent incidents of Chinese nationals entering Florida illegally via the Bahamas.

There have been five such incidents of Chinese migrants attempting to “self-smuggle” from the Bahamas, according to the report. One incident took place on July 16 and involved a group of six Chinese migrants.

The numbers of those caught are small (27), but the feds admit that “It is unclear, however, how many of the total number of Chinese migrants caught by Florida authorities used the Bahamian smuggling route.” They really know nothing.

I know I sound paranoid, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. And over the last 20 years, with accelerating speed of late, China has been doing everything it can to impress upon us that (to switch metaphors) it’s in the driver’s seat, and we’re being taken for a ride.

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