Sunday, August 27, 2023

Ilhan Omar took all-expenses paid luxury trip to the World Cup, courtesy of Qatar

Remember all those times that Ilhan Omar recited leftist platitudes about humanitarianism, equality, climate change, and “women’s” and “gay” rights? Yeah, turns out, she was only bluffing. (Not like we didn’t already know that.) From an article out last week at Jewish Insider:

But when she [Omar] visited Qatar last November to watch the World Cup, it was unclear who had paid for the trip, which the progressive lawmaker neglected to clarify. Her office did not answer questions from The New York Times in December about the funding source after she had returned.

It turns out that the trip was funded by the Qatari government, according to an annual House financial disclosure filed in May.

The Qatari Embassy in Washington, D.C., confirmed it had paid for Omar’s visit to the Gulf kingdom last year.

The Qatari government has a well-established and less than reputable record when it comes time to human rights abuses, it’s oppressively patriarchal in its treatment of women and entirely conservative in its cultural and social approach to the gay population, and, according to Amnesty International, the regime’s attitudes towards “climate change” has also been a “failure.” But none of those things — despite Omar’s near-constant squawking from a high horse about how important these issues are — and I mean none, were enough to prohibit Squad member Ilhan Omar from betraying her “principles” for thirty pieces of silver, and accepting a first-class trip to live like royalty.

As the article also noted, Omar “has frequently voiced concern over the influence of foreign interests on American politics” — but apparently, it was more of a “rules for thee, but not for me” type of situation. Omar is recognized for her outspoken support for the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Israel movement, and is one of the most consistent and shrillest voices against Justice Clarence Thomas, who at some point went on vacation with Harlan Crow, a Republican billionaire. Of the trip Omar said, “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Clarence Thomas needs to be impeached[.]”

Of course, the absurd hypocrisy is too lengthy to cover conclusively, but it should be mentioned that Crow is neither a government nor an agent of it, and Thomas was acting as private citizen, not politicking from his official position; that apparently isn’t the case with Omar, who met with Qatari officials while there.

What makes this story even more absurd though, is that the construction of the stadium and all the auxiliary infrastructure needed in preparation for the tournament was itself, rife with human rights violations; quite literally, the 2022 World Cup was a “blood” project.

Prior to the revelation that the Qatari government had been her sugar daddy, Omar was asked why she attended; to this she replied, “There are no perfect countries that have a perfect record.”

What a pleasant and uncontroversial way to describe Islamist patriarchy, gay-hatred, and slavery — only a Democrat!

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