Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Four Truths in Need of Embracing

The timeline of the Reichstag fire of 1933 is echoed in the present. By the time the responsible parties were found culpable for the false flag Reichstag fire, the damage had been done, power had been seized, the world had moved on, and the truth of the situation mattered little.

A false flag event (January 6, 2021), was used to seize power illegitimately (January 20, 2021), in order to compel a people to allow their civil institutions to be used to push them into tyranny (starting at noon January 20, 2021).

I do not expect you, dear reader, to change the entire world, but I do expect you to begin to wrap your head around important truths of the present and to stop living under false presumptions.

Truth #1 

I need you to start with this: Joe Biden is not the legitimately elected President of the United States. He did not get more votes than Barack Obama. It does not matter how much you hate Trump, that gives you no right to promote an illegitimate election. Doing so has consequences in the world around us.

And before you start promoting the idea that there is no proof, that is simply not how elections work. Elections work thus: illegitimate until proven legitimate. That has always been how elections works.

That is how they worked when I was involved in my first Cook County, Illinois election at the age of seven. That is how they have worked in the hundreds of campaigns I have been involved in since then. It is how they have worked in the dozens of states I have participated in election monitoring in. It is how they have worked in France, Slovakia, and Russia when I have participated in election monitoring projects in those places.

You do not have Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania ballot cover-ups still three years after a legitimate election, or Arizona ballot cover-ups both three years after a legitimate election, and one year after a legitimate election. You deal with those before certification takes place.

This is not how a legitimate election looks.

Truth #2

I need you to embrace this as well: The Bible contains so much truth. Whatever thing you are reading instead of it is almost certainly inferior. Whether you be devout, lukewarm, or ice-cold about your faith, the Bible deserves a few minutes of your day. To embrace it and to wrestle with that wisdom does you a tremendous favor.

The opposite of what the world has to say, the antidote for the crazy times, is in there. Some reading this do not like hearing that. I know. I used to be that way. I lived neglectfully toward the most important truths in life. Then I felt the consequences of decades of that and reformed. I get how it feels to ignore the greatest source of wisdom we have and to call that behavior “civil,” “polite,” “modern,” or all manner of other adjectives rather than what it is — neglectful.

Truth #3

Another truth in need of embracing can be heard in corners of the internet.

There is an internet saying among those dissatisfied with our Orwellian era: Everything is fake and gay. Following the form of an Old World proverb, this phrase vaguely means a few things at once.

One of them is this: take nothing the establishment says as sincere. Understand, if an establishment voice speaks it, there is an agenda so deep that it promises to entirely corrupt anything good about what is being spoken. Truth must be dug for. Part of that agenda is in the corrupting of everyone by telling them the immediate desires of their flesh somehow are appropriate substitutes for: wisdom, knowledge, thoughtfulness, preparation, peace, morality, ethics, sound monetary policy, judgment, or a whole host of other foundations in life.

Gay does not just simply mean “homosexual,” gay is the removal of wisdom and its replacement with the opposite. It proceeds through many areas of life. That Chris Christy can’t stop eating himself to death without that detail being spoken about by more than one person publicly (Donald Trump, who has also sadly now shut up about it), and that children are groomed from birth, and that young men are lied to about how their identify must be divisively wrapped up in their sexual urges are all expressed in this phrase.

You see, it is as if someone came along and asked, “How do I take the most special parts of creation and totally destroy them?”

Who even asks such a thing? Some people, will miss this. They will blame the liberals, the progressives, or the socialists — many of whom, it is true, are terribly lost. Others will blame the globalists. Still others will blame “the Jews.” A more discerning group will blame the Khazarians or the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds.  A prominent Jew from about 2000 years ago commented on this topic. He said we wrestle not with flesh and blood. We wrestle with spiritual powers in high places. They killed him before long. The guy was too annoying and spoke too much truth. If you focus on the person and hate the person, you are missing something.

“How do I take the most special parts of creation and totally destroy them?”

Again three immediate examples are: An influential politician with some good values who is so distracted from them (Chris Christy), a child that contains in her the kernel of one of the greatest lives to have ever lived and is so distracted from them (the groomed child), a young man who has dreams and is so distracted from them (the young man told to embrace his gayness).

Then, “How do I distract people from what matters?” asks the enemy.

Well, that’s simple, you make sure everything is fake and gay, while at the same time convincing people that nothing is fake or gay. Then let them fight about such stupid semantics and hate each other to the point that they can’t even be bothered to see what the true fights are, rather than ever contending with the fact that life must be lived differently when everything is fake and gay.

“Everything is fake and gay,” means so much more, but that is a good primer. And to reflect on a previous point, it is hard to be distracted if one has some grounding in the Bible. It really is an antidote for every present-day ill, a better antidote than one of my other favorite tools — guns — which I will mention next.

Truth #4

A final truth I ask you to onboard: Violence is not the answer. Concerted participation in the world around you is the answer.

I almost hate the Second Amendment types who write me with statements about revolution. I almost hate them because I might react similarly in their situation. To the man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. If I trained in weapons exclusively, everything might look like it needed a violent revolt. As Murray Rothbard points out in his Conceived in Liberty, revolutions seldom go as the man who fired the first bullet wants it to go. He has no idea what will happen after the violent revolution begins.

A much more important thing happened pre-1776 that Rothbard truly depicts as the revolution. From approximately 1760 to 1775 the American colonists had a change of heart and mind that made it impossible to keep them enslaved in the same way.

In some ways they remained enslaved: enslaved, simply to the American government rather than the British government. The colonists in some ways lost freedom after the Revolution.  In many ways, the seed of freedom grew. America is unfree and awful in many ways. In other ways, America is more free than she has ever been. There is an argument to be made for how America is less free in 2023 than in 2013 — perhaps there has been some recent backsliding. But to compare 1776 or 1876 or 1976 to 2023, as individuals, we have far more freedom.

If you judge your individual freedom by the condition of the masses, you automatically lose at seeing the truth of the matter. Those who will do the work to be free have never had such ability as they have at the present, and those who want to live as nearly thoughtless beasts have never had such opportunity as the present.

Freedom isn’t free. Freedom is a fluid thing that you can keep if you demand that you be allowed to keep it.

A gun is a good weapon for the right thing. Seldom, in life, does that thing come along. If one has to pull a gun, the person pulling the gun has failed at many other things in life. To never have to pull a gun is where we must really be. That demonstrates an area of success in one’s life. And a great deal of work is involved in making that happen.

When a people give in and say, “I would rather ignore the problems of the world for the next thirty years and then kill a man for entering my property illegally — whether he be a cop or a robber,” that person is probably the worst psychopath in the equation. He knows the difference between right and wrong, but does not act on that. He just trains with his guns for the day that someone crosses the line.

I am proficient on two platforms and decent on a third. I can run a shotgun and have taught others to shoot rifles from a distance. That is one tool I have. I work every day because I know that such tools must never be used for what they are intended for.

In 2020, I was saddened by how few libertarians, conservatives, Second Amendment types, business owners and church folks refused to say “No!” Refused to calmly stand their ground. Instead, they went along to get along, while letting things boil under the surface: from the ides of March 2020, the lockdowns, the mask mandates, to the Summer of Love, the elections of 2020, through to January 6, 2021, and the January 20, 2021 inauguration. It was a coup that many of us sat silently through.

Letting life quietly simmer away intolerably, then bubble over to the point of violence, is not any way for a decent man to act. To look a person in the eye every step of the way and to say “That’s not going to work for me,” or “That sounds like a lie,” or “We both know that’s not true,” is how the upright man acts.

Never being the silent majority — a truly disgusting thing to be. Always being the one that gives no quarter to a lie in his presence. Always being one who is diligently on guard. Always being one who is never seeking to shirk responsibility. Always being one who is a foundation that others can build upon.

Do we need to be perfect? No.

We aim, though, for very high standards.

Ignoring for months, years, or decades and then resorting to violence is not a high standard. Letting lies fester in your midst is not a high standard. Neglecting that happening around you is not a high standard.

Engaging in those neglectful behaviors makes you part of the problem. Perhaps even the biggest part of the problem.

It has been properly said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Your silence means a great deal. Your voice too means a great deal. The difference between the triumph of evil in your life, in your home, and in the community around you is your vocal, active, vigilant, and constant stand against it.

There is no other fitting way for a man to behave.


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 This video is thanks to Ricepaddydaddy!