Friday, July 7, 2023

WH Scolds Reporters Over Their 'Irresponsible' Cocaine Questions, Gets Big Fact Check

WH Scolds Reporters Over Their 'Irresponsible' Cocaine Questions, Gets Big Fact Check

We’ve been getting a lot of deflecting and spinning to questions about the cocaine found at the White House. As we reported earlier, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan seemed to try to even blame “workers” — people who were doing work on the Situation Room.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to tell us exactly what entrance it was found near in the West Wing: the more traveled one with more visitors or the more secure area. We then found out it was the more secure area, so that it was unlikely it was a random visitor as they have been trying to suggest.

Joe Biden has just smiled and shrugged his shoulders when asked, but otherwise, he’s ducked the question.

But on Friday, Jean-Pierre was asked about the responses from Andrew Bates, the Deputy Press Secretary, on Thursday. Bates refused to say if they would be transparent and tell us if they found the cocaine culprit. He also refused to deny the cocaine was Joe or Hunter’s, saying that he couldn’t respond to the question because of the Hatch Act. So, a reporter recalled that today with KJP and asked her why they couldn’t just say the coke didn’t belong to the Biden family.

Jean-Pierre said Bates referred to the Hatch Act because the question about the cocaine was phrased with Donald Trump speculating that it might have belonged to a family member. That’s true that was the question, but Bates didn’t seem to care much about the Hatch Act since he then went on attack Trump’s policies. The only thing he didn’t seem to want to talk about was whether the cocaine belonged to the Bidens. I think that Jean-Pierre needs to “read the transcript” herself, and maybe the White House needs to discuss the Hatch Act and what they are not supposed to do.

KJP then went on to scold the media for being “incredibly irresponsible,” and doing “irresponsible reporting” for asking such a question. Hmm, I thought the irresponsibility is coming from the person who brought in the cocaine—and the people who can’t seem to give a straight answer about it. It’s not the media asking the questions, doing their jobs as they should be doing, who are being irresponsible.

Jean-Pierre claimed that the Bidens had not been in the White House over the weekend (they were at Camp David, including Hunter) and didn’t get back until Tuesday. That’s true; they were in Camp David, including Hunter. There’s a lot of speculation that they’re talking about the foreign dealings scandal while there. KJP might think that she just gave a definitive answer, but she still then didn’t say “It’s not theirs.” We only know when it was found; we don’t know when it was put there.

So, even though KJP will insist over and over that they’ve “answered” the question, once again, she didn’t really give that definitive denial the reporter was asking for. And maybe we wouldn’t have as much of a problem with the answers if they weren’t always changing or avoiding the issues.

Reporter Steven Nelson also corrected KJP’s claim about Hunter and the other Bidens, saying Hunter had been at the White House on Friday.

Once again, they’re not quite being accurate with us. Good thing the House Oversight Committee is now demanding answers.

But imagine that cocaine was just found in the Biden White House, and them talking about anyone else being irresponsible. That’s a pretty bad take.

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