Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Sen. Kennedy Rips the DC 'Establishment' in Hilarious Fashion for Protecting Hunter Biden

 Sen. Kennedy Rips the DC 'Establishment' in Hilarious Fashion for Protecting Hunter Biden

Leave it to Sen. John Kennedy to deliver the funniest take on the Hunter Biden situation.

It’s been a disappointing few weeks following the sweetheart plea deal handed to the president’s son, which will likely see him serving no jail time. As I’ve covered in the past, far more serious alleged crimes were apparently ignored or sat on until the statute of limitations ran out. We are supposed to believe that’s all just business as usual. It’s not, and had you just committed the gun crime that Hunter Biden did (illegal possession of a gun while using illicit drugs), DOJ protocol would be fighting to put you behind bars for years.

But I digress, as Kennedy notes in hilarious fashion, it’s not just federal law enforcement which seems to be in the bag, but the entire Washington, DC, establishment has set out to convince everyone how great of a guy Hunter Biden is.

KENNEDY: Look, I don’t know if Mr. Hunter Biden committed a crime. I sure don’t know if President Biden committed a crime. We’re trying to get the facts. But I do know this, and I think the American people can see it. The Washington managerial elite, the establishment if you will, is working harder than an ugly stripper to cover up whatever happened. And that’s all the Congress is asking for, is the facts.

Maybe it’s because I’m from the South, but I truly think that your average 60-80-year-old guy from down here has the best way of conveying a message possible. It’s like these grandpas have a Rolodex of quips and insults built into their heads, ready to deploy them at a moment’s notice. Kennedy has been doing this for a long time, and he remains a national treasure.

Of course, he’s kinder about whether Hunter Biden committed a crime (they are discussing the foreign dealings, not the other criminal stuff he’s already been charged with) than I would be, but I’m also not a senator who needs to make sure and not get ahead of myself. I have the freedom to speculate within reason. Kennedy leads a committee and has to be more careful.

He’s right about the establishment, though. It’s not just the DOJ that has gone out of its way to defend Hunter Biden, it’s the national press as well, which has spun the situation as that of a troubled teenager despite the president’s son being in his 50s. We are constantly told to not focus on Hunter Biden even as he bums off taxpayers by staying at the White House and attending state dinners.

It’d be one thing if the guy sunk into the background and hid out for a while. I mean, it’d still be a scandal, but it at least wouldn’t be so in-your-face. The president and his son have instead flaunted their alleged wrongdoing. That makes it especially frustrating when the press or bureaucratic elites tell us to just forget about the situation or that Hunter Biden is a perfectly fine man who just ran into a rough patch. We are talking about a guy who just denied his last name to his own daughter out of spite.

The Bidens aren’t a good family. They are one of the worst examples of degenerate, elitist villainy I’ve ever seen on the national stage. The establishment can try, but they aren’t covering that up.

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