Sunday, July 30, 2023

Rebranding? – New Neo-Nazi Group “Blood Tribe” Stages Armed Protest with Swastika Flags at LGBT Pride Event in Wisconsin

On Saturday, the newly named ‘Blood Tribe,’ a self-declared Neo-Nazi group, made a bold show of force with rifles and swastika flags at an LGBT ‘Pride in the Park’ event in Watertown, Wisconsin.

“It looks like the Feds got tired of using the name “Patriot Front” because it had already been exposed. Now the Feds are using the name “Blood Tribe” and carrying flags in Watertown Wisconsin protesting a Pride event,” said Twitter personality Wall Street Silver.

Sporting the same uniform clothing and masks previously donned by the Patriot Front, the group brandished rifles and swastika flags outside the Pride event.

The group chanted, “Us or the pedophiles!” and “There will be blood, blood blood!” at the event.

According to News2share producer Ford Fischer, one brave Pride participant confronted the armed protesters, stating, “It just makes me so happy that I get to wake up every day and just love who I want without fear of judgement or fucking Nazis apparently.”

Ford Fischer was able to interview one of the members of the ‘Blood Tribe’. In response to questions regarding federal affiliation, the group members answered with denials and sarcastic admissions of being federal agents.

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