Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Philadelphia murderer identified as BLM trans activist and 'poof', there goes that story


The name of the mass shooter who killed 5 and injured 2 at a concert in Philadelphia Monday night has been released. Go ahead and count on the story dropping from the news very quickly now that the identity is known.

The gunman dresses like a woman most of the time and is also a Black Lives Matter (BLM) activist. He hits all the Bingo squares on the leftist score card.

If the media wants to talk about mental health, perhaps they should start by discussing why there seems to more trans terrorists lately.

The Nashville shooting was a huge cover up. The country is seeing the pattern and corporate media is refusing to acknowledge what is right before our eyes.

There is only so long the media can cover up the obvious from the public.

The only way the story won't vanish, is for the citizens of America to demand legislators stop ignoring this issue. The public must push for answers.

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