Monday, July 24, 2023

Israel Passes Justice Reform, Biden Insurrectionists Try to Storm Israeli Parliament, 300,000 Patriots March in Support of Right-Wing Government

300,000 patriots marched peacefully in Tel Aviv Sunday evening

Biden-supported violent insurrectionists tried to blockade the Israeli parliament today to prevent the democratically elected government from passing judicial reform. Old Yeller failed at a last-ditch effort to try and save the Soros-leftist sway over Israel’s Supreme Court. The Knesset passed the most important part of the justice reform.

The patriotic Israeli government coalition voted to remove the Supreme Court’s power to strike down laws and cabinet nominees based on “unreasonableness” today. All 64 members of the ruling coalition voted in favor, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was released from hospital on Monday morning following a pacemaker implant. Opposition lawmakers boycotted the third and final vote – a typical sore loser insurrectionist move. Even Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who had briefly lost his job over his opposition to the justice reform, voted with the coalition.

Radical insurrectionists tried to blockade all four entrances to the Israeli Knesset. Police had to use water cannons and mounted officers to clear the insurrectionists away. At least six were arrested. A leftist extremist was arrested for threatening the life of Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

300,000 patriots demonstrated in support of the government in Tel Aviv Sunday evening, with only 160.000 Leftists gathering in Jerusalem in opposition.

There were “no roadblocks, no harrassment, and the only thing they shouted at the police was “We forgive you, we love you”, wrote Matan Peleg, head of patriotic NGO Im Tirtzu.
Likud government Minister David Amsalem called the massive pro-reform protest an “historic moment in the State of Israel, and another step to ensure the continuation of Israel as a democratic state,“ Jewish Press reported. “For the past six months we have practically accepted a coup d’etat in the State of Israel, including a military rebellion that is taking place in the Israel Defense Forces,” Amsalem said.
White House Resident Joe Biden continued to interfere in Israeli politics with a last-ditch effort to preserve the leftst-Soros domination over Israel via its justice system, telling Democrat party organ Axios that “it looks like the current judicial reform proposal is becoming more divisive, not less.” Biden being an expert on divisiveness, of course.

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