Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Biden's DOJ removes 'international sex-trafficking' of kids as an 'area of concern' from its website?


But probably the most disturbing of them is the international trafficking of children, done to "service" perverts here in the U.S.

The film "Sound of Freedom," which blew past Hollywood's woke Indiana Jones sequel, is about this kind of abhorrent sex trafficking of children, and is now leading at the box office.

There's no question there's a major problem here and the public wants something done.

But incredibly, the White House and its Department of Justice doesn't seem to think there's a problem at all, or would rather the public ignore it -- or worst of all, are part of the problem.

According to Steve Bannon's War Room, this happened:

The Department of Justice erased content from its webpage on child sex trafficking that highlighted the plight of “international sex trafficking of minors” in late May.

The stunning revision comes amidst scrutiny of President Joe Biden’s continued incitement of mass migration via America’s porous southern border – a prime avenue for child sex trafficking – and also coincides with the recent release of the film “The Sound of Freedom.”

The Department of Justice’s (DOJ) webpage chronicling what constitutes child sex trafficking and how the department is combatting it underwent severe revisions on May 12th, 2023, including the erasure of the three sections: “International Sex Trafficking of Minors”; “Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors,” and “Child Victims of Prostitution.”

The webpage belongs to the Criminal Division of the DOJ, which outlines the “subject areas” the department’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Services focus on. It was previously updated under the Trump administration on May 28th, 2020.

“One form of sex trafficking involves the cross border transportation of children. In these situations, traffickers recruit and transfer children across international borders in order to sexually exploit them in another country,” explains the now-deleted description of international sex trafficking.

“The traffickers can be individuals working alone, organized crime groups, enterprises, or networks of criminals working together to traffic children into prostitution across country lines,” it continues.

That's shocking, really, given that even if there wasn't public interest in this problem, it still should always be an "area of concern."

Few crimes are more damaging to the minds, hearts, and souls of innocent children than trafficking by evil people for vile purposes with dollar signs in their eyes.

Dropping this from the DOJ list of concerns can only be a major cause for concern, because protecting children is their job -- and everyone's job. This shouldn't be controversial.

But we also know that the Biden administration is very dedicated to its open border policies, in defiance of established U.S. immigration law. Child trafficking, which has gone up significantly since Biden opened the border, is something Biden would rather sweep under the rug.

And increasing mass immigration to the states is the very way to incentivize more of it.

While the Bidenites don't like Fox News shooting video of thousands of illegal aliens pouring over the border, based on what it does to their poll numbers, we do know that they are letting migrants without papers in by other means, the latest of which is a big family reunification plan, which should ensurre that everyone from Central American countries and Colombia who wants in, can get in.

El Salvador, to take but one example, already has more than a million of its nationals ensconced in the states, at least half of them here illegally. What is the population of El Salvador? Eight million. Who wouldn't have a relative who could serve as a link in the chain to get them into the states? It's like Biden issued U.S. work permits and "parole" to entire nations with this plan.

But look closely at that "family reunification" approach here. Significant amounts of child sex-trafficking is happening here because some creep says he's a "relative" of one of the children being brought into the U.S. illegally for despicable purposes.

The White House's Department of Homeland Security has abolished DNA testing of migrants claiming to be relatives of unaccompanied children -- which amounts to a gift to sex trafffickers bringing children in. A simple solution that had already been in place did much to make sex traffickers' operations harder by forcing them to prove their familial ties. Now that that obstacle is gone, sex traffickers can bring oodles of kids in -- claiming to be their "uncle" -- and Biden won't do a thing about it.

What's more, the Biden administration has displayed a very funny attitude about children who are sex-trafficking victimes as well as children who are brought into the U.S. as slave labor, operating dangerous heavy machinery and being kept out of school ... by punishing government whistleblowers, who have warned about the dangers of releasing children apprehended at the border to people claiming to be their "relatives." The New York Times did an impeccable series on the Biden administration's vindictive stance to those who are trying to stop human traffickers.

I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist, but something creepy here is going on -- not just from the open border, the attacks on whistleblowers, the end to DNA testing -- to scrubbing the government website of any reference to child trafficking as a top priority.

The Bidenites seem to want this activity going on. How many other Epsteins are they still serving? Are they under blackmail by one of them for pervert activity? Are they "consumers" of trafficked children? Are Joe and his son Hunter just a little soft on the issue to say the least? It makes no sense whatsoever that they wouldn't place a high priority on stopping the defiling of innocent little children -- it's a zero-controversy  issue -- and yet they don't.

They just keep making it easier for traffickers -- and they don't want the public to know about it.

Maybe someone should ask.

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