Just to set the tone, we’ll kick this thing off with a reminder that Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer earlier this year claimed that ramping up the abortion biz in her state is “just good economics”:

Couple that with all the progressive pushes in Michigan now that the Dems control the governor’s office and state legislature and the Left has managed to create a utopia where people everywhere are clamoring to reside.

Wait, no, that’s not happening at all. As a matter of fact Gov. Whitmer has created a commission tasked with figuring out what should be painfully obvious:

First off, can this “commission” hand Whitmer a mirror?

Yeah, who wants to tell Whitmer? Probably not the “commission” she’s putting together.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Thursday announced the formation of a commission to study and address Michigan’s population loss during a yearly policy conference that centered on the state’s challenges attracting and retaining talent.

The 28-member Growing Michigan Together Council, established through an executive directive signed Thursday on the Grand Hotel porch, will develop policy recommendations to retain Michigan recent graduates, promote Michigan’s natural resources and build on its manufacturing legacy.

The panel will be chaired by former Ambassador John Rakolta, a Republican and chairman of Walbridge, and New Detroit CEO Shirley Stancato, a Democrat and member of the Wayne State University Board of Governors.

We don’t even need a commission to help Whitmer figure out why Michigan isn’t gaining in population.

It isn’t really that difficult, Gov. Whitmer.

She’ll blame Republicans?

Whitmer could look at the Florida model:

But instead she’s trying to become the Gavin Newsom of the Midwest:

You can have all this advice for free, governor!

