Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Kirby Weighs in on Report About Biden Family's Foreign Income. There's Just One Problem.

In Monday's White House press briefing, the National Security Council's John Kirby flatly denied having any national security concerns about the millions of dollars that made their way from foreign nationals into the bank accounts of President Joe Biden's family members — as detailed in reports from the House Oversight Committee led by Chairman James Comer (R-KY).

As Townhall reported in early May when the most recent Oversight Committee report showed more than $1 million being transferred from a Romanian national to an associate of the Biden family and eventually deposited in a handful of Biden family members' accounts:

According to Comer, while Biden was "lecturing Romania on anti-corruption policies," a Romanian national transferred more than $1 million dollars in payments to Biden family associates that was subsequently passed to Biden family members. Conveniently, Comer explained, payments from the Romanian national stopped flowing after Biden was no longer vice president. What's more, the Romanian national identified by the committee was under investigation and later convicted of corruption in Romania...

Five weeks after Romania's president visited Washington and met with then-Vice President Biden, an entity called Bladon Enterprises Limited — reportedly Gabriel Popoviciu’s Cypriot company used to do business in Romania — started depositing funds, eventually totaling more than $3 million, into the Robinson Walker, LLC account — one of at least 15 companies created by Biden associates after Joe Biden became vice president.

After the transfers from Bladon to Robinson Walker, bank accounts owned by members of Biden's family "received approximately $1.038 million from the Robinson Walker, LLC account...while Joe Biden was Vice President." Those family members include Hunter Biden, Hallie Biden, and a still-unknown Biden bank account.

The House Oversight Committee's memo points to a previous NBC News report that explained "Hunter Biden’s work for Popoviciu in 2016 went unreported at the time, but Joe Biden’s involvement in Romania was very much public."

When asked by the Daily Caller's Diana Glebova about the Oversight Committee report on foreign funds flowing freely to Biden's family while he was vice president, Kirby said "no," he didn't have any national security concerns about the committee's findings. But Kirby also said "no," he had not read the report. 

How is it that Kirby can be so certain about a report he, admittedly, has not read? Deny, deny, deny — that seems to continue to be the White House's playbook whenever its spokespeople are faced with a growing pile of questions about the Biden family's business dealings. From the payments detailed by the Oversight Committee to the recently uncovered FBI record of allegations that then-VP Biden himself engaged in a multi-million dollar criminal bribery pay-for-policy scheme, the White House continues to try brushing off the seemingly damning information, even when they don't have knowledge of the reports disclosing it.


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