Sunday, June 11, 2023

Ilhan Omar is roaring with laughter after lawmakers gave her pals this jaw-dropping gift

Despite the lies and distortions spread by Joe Biden and his cronies, the American economy is in pretty rough shape.

Inflation remains cripplingly high, and Americans are struggling with the cost of nearly every good and service through the roof. 

But Ilhan Omar is roaring with laughter after lawmakers gave her pals this jaw-dropping gift. 

Minnesota Democrats are working tirelessly to bankrupt responsible taxpayers  

America’s southern border with Mexico is largely unsecured and wide open. 

Thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens flood into America on a daily basis, causing significant financial strain to law-abiding taxpayers across the country. 

To make matters worse, far-left lawmakers are doing everything in their power to encourage this flood of illegal aliens into America with very generous welfare programs. 

In Minnesota for example, lawmakers just approved a measure that would provide tuition assistance for illegal aliens at taxpayer expense. 

This measure was slipped into an already existing education funding measure, which was just approved by Minnesota’s Democrat governor Tim Walz. 

In response to this radical provision, Minnesota State Senator Omar Fateh told Axios, “We want to make sure that when we’re expanding opportunities for everybody, we’re doing it for all Minnesotans, regardless of background, regardless of their documentation status.”

Just months ago, Governor Tim Walz and Minnesota Democrats approved a measure that opened the state’s driver’s license rolls to illegal aliens. 

It is believed that up to 77,000 illegal aliens will be eligible to secure driver’s licenses as a result, making it even harder for federal agents to remove them from the country.

Policies such as this one not only encourage massive amounts of illegal immigrants to flood into America, but they also put significant strain on taxpayers. 

Many Americans are already having a difficult time paying their own college loans, and taxing people to pay for college expenses for illegal aliens will only put fuel on the fire.  

Actions like Minnesota’s will send the border crisis swelling to unimaginable levels

In recent years, Democrat-controlled cities and states have passed a slew of measures that actively encourage illegal aliens to enter the nation. 

But states like Minnesota are not exactly close to the Mexican border, which makes passing these sorts of measures relatively easy for them. 

For this reason, a few red state governors like Greg Abbott of Texas and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are shipping illegals to self-proclaimed “Sanctuary Cities” across the nation, so that these Democrat-controlled areas understand the impact the flood of illegal immigration is having on American communities. 

Predictably, Democrats are screaming bloody murder, with Gov. Gavin Newsom of California even threatening to press charges against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for kidnapping. 

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates on this ongoing story.

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