Monday, June 19, 2023

Gay California Couple Sues Fertility Clinic Because Their 'Gestational Carrier' Had a Girl Baby

Gay California Couple Sues Fertility Clinic Because Their 'Gestational Carrier' Had a Girl Baby

What do you mean "it's a girl?" 

A California couple (soon to become the analog of “Florida man”) has sued a Pasadena in vitro fertilization clinic for “breach of contract, medical malpractice, negligence and fraudulent concealment and violation of the Unfair Competition Law and the Consumer Legal Remedies Act” when the child they had paid perfectly good money for turned out to be a girl instead of the boy they had paid for.

According to CBS News

The Sanigers [Albert and Anthony], married in 2013, dreamed of having two children, both sons, the suit states. Before they were wed, the couple chose first and middle names for their future sons in May 2015 and created Gmail accounts for their future offspring with their first and last names, according to the lawsuit.

Throughout the process, the couple was explicit with HRC and Kolb that they wanted only male embryos transferred to their surrogate and the defendants represented that the Sanigers would get to select the exact embryos, which had an identified gender, to be used in each transfer, the suit states.

Instead, the suit states, HRC and Kolb “negligently, recklessly, and/or intentionally transferred a female embryo to the Sanigers’ gestational carrier.”

HRC “specifically targets” families in the LGBTQ community and its website says the clinic is “dedicated to helping the gay and lesbian community achieve their dreams of parenthood,” according to the lawsuit.

The financial impact to the Sanigers is “staggering” because they ultimately will be raising three children rather than the two sons for which they had planned, the suit states.

There is so much morally and humanly wrong with this story it is hard to know where even to start. Children are treated as objects, not humans. A young girl will be condemned to a life in a household with homosexual parents who already resent her. I can’t even imagine what life will be like for the two yet-unborn boys they do want (Investigation Might Have Just Uncovered Origins of LBGTQ Pedophile Ring). They already have gmail addresses assigned; one wonders if they also have personalized OnlyFans sites. The woman who agreed to have an embryo created from one “man’s” sperm and another woman’s egg in her womb has been totally dehumanized and reduced to a “gestational carrier.” The “couple” that anxiously awaited the arrival of their first toy, I’m sorry, I meant to write boy, but it just slipped out, were so removed from the process that they either didn’t receive or didn’t bother to look at ultrasound images. (I don’t know the “gestational carrier” business model, but it is hard to believe you wouldn’t want your “clients” to experience all the thrill of being real parents, so I’m assuming ultrasounds were provided.)

There is nothing about this story that is not sick.

Last week I posted on a new law contemplated in California that would require insurance to cover the cost of IVF treatments and “gestational carriers” as part of “infertility” treatments because the new law redefines “infertility” to cover cases where reproduction is biologically impossible, see Proposed California Law Gets Government and Insurance Companies Involved in Surrogate Pregnancies for Gay Men. What Could Go Wrong?

This case is a prime example of a lot that can go wrong when babies become commodities. Parents don’t treat them as gifts from God. They treat them as a consumer product. It isn’t hard to imagine a couple like this, having carefully screened the “egg donor” for intelligence, taking the IVF company and the egg donor to court if the kid doesn’t turn out bright enough to impress their friends.

Ironically, if what the Transtifa told us was true, this never needed to happen. As we are told, and some medical schools teach, the idea of biological sex is problematic. In fact, the Associated Press style manual discourages reporters from using “male” and “female” as absolute terms. All the aggrieved couple had to do was declare the girl to be a boy, and the problem is solved.

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