Sunday, June 18, 2023

England is giving masturbation homework assignments to nine-year-olds

It’s not just in America that the powers that be are pushing hard to sexualize children. In England, it’s emerged that schools across the country are teaching very young children graphic and erroneous sexual content, which includes giving nine-year-olds masturbation homework assignments. If the government becomes your child’s sexual pleasure provider, you are out of the picture, and your child becomes a widget in an amoral system that is comfortable with sexually exploiting children.

As is often the case, the Daily Mail is the one with the story:

MailOnline has found graphic teaching material — including a sex manual for pre-teens — being taught to children in classes around the UK.


Colouring books, word searches and cartoon drawings have also been given to young girls and boys by ‘activist teachers’ in their ‘overarching mission to sexualise children in the name of inclusion’. 

Since September 2020, Relationships Education has been compulsory in primary schools and RSE mandatory in secondary schools. The change left many teaching staff seeking guidance.

The void was filled by charities — some harbouring unconventional views on biological sex and sharing material on their websites that references underage sex.

MailOnline can reveal that some children are:

  • Taught that from birth until the age of one, babies can ‘experience pleasurable sensations’ by touching their genitals
  • Given ways for 12-year-old girls to orgasm while masturbating, including pinching or stroking the clitoris
  • Given ‘masturbation’ homework from a pre-compulsory RSE resource
  • Told that girls as young as 12 can find sexual pleasure from anal, vaginal and oral sex
  • Taught that it’s normal to want to masturbate during and even before they hit puberty
  • Informed that it’s normal for prepubescent children to be sexually attracted to anyone
  • Told that gender is different from sex but is a much more intrinsic part of who a person is
  • Taught that people can change their sex from being a man to being a woman
  • Also taught that some ‘non-binary’ humans are neither men nor women
  • Taught that men with the male Y chromosome can actually be women

You must go to the linked article to see get the full flavor of what’s being taught to England’s children. And then remember that exactly the same thing is happening at schools across America.

This isn’t happening just because it’s easier to teach about sex than math, grammar, nuanced history, civics, or anything else that children should be learning. It’s happening because sex is one of the fundamental human needs tied to survival. The others are hunger and thirst. If you control access to hunger, thirst, and sex, you control the people who must have those needs fulfilled to survive both individually and as a species.

The world’s leaders, from the sinister World Economic Forum on down, understand that withholding food and water would be a bridge too far for ordinary people. Doing so openly and abruptly would result in an instant uprising. That’s why they’ve been deploying the specter of Climate Change and the need for a “green” world to control food (e.g., no Golden Rice, plans to slaughter cattle, the press to eat bugs) and water (without fossil fuel, the systems to clean water in the West stop working). That’s a slo-mo coup.

What these same people can do affirmatively, though, is sexualize children. Most parents are unaware of what’s going on in schools. Indeed, the Daily Mail report explains that the only reason the information emerged was that both a school and a judge denied a mother the right to see what her 15-year-old daughter was being taught in England’s compulsory Relationships and Sex Education classes.

Children who are sexualized are perfect for despots: They hew to those who provide sex rather than to their family. (And the family is the most powerful unit standing against government tyranny.) Children are ripped away from the Judeo-Christian morality that has led the West to the apex of human sex.

The desire for sex will drive people’s decision-making so that they will support whoever promises this powerful pleasure. If the government confuses people about their sexuality, driving them to dangerous surgeries and drugs, these people will become dependent on the government for this false “healthcare.”

Also, children who are sexualized early become prey, and there seem to be many predators in the ruling class, with our pawing, sniffing White House occupant and his drug-abusing son as Exhibit A. Currently, only the pedophiles and the FBI know what’s in Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book. I suspect that (a) many of those pedophiles are well-known to the public and that (b) the administrative state, through the FBI, is not shy about using its knowledge to control those people. One of my favorite things about Vivek is that he promises to release the black book.

We have reached a tremendously decadent and dangerous stage in the West, with our children being weaponized against themselves, against the Judeo-Christian moral underpinnings of our culture, and against liberty itself. If we don’t act soon, we won’t be able to act at all.

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