A recently installed sign is seen at the main entry point to U.S. Army Garrison Alaska Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, Alaska, on April 5
One unexpected area of concern is Alaska.
The 49th state admitted to the United States is nicknamed “The Last Frontier” not only because of its distance from the lower 48 states but also because of its huge size and undeveloped wilderness areas.
Despite its remoteness and harsh climate, however, Alaska is a strategic location in global politics. Our adversaries want to know what our military capacities in the region are like.
But imagine how difficult it would be to collect clandestine intelligence and discreetly spy on American military bases in the midst of all that empty space and sparse population.
The difficulty involved apparently has not stopped agents of the Chinese government from trying. Chinese nationals calling themselves tourists were intercepted around sensitive military bases in Alaska at least several times over the last few years, USA Today reported Wednesday.
Alaska makes an appealing target for spies because military bases there house state-of-the-art radar equipment and missiles. The state is also used for war games to train troops.
According to the report, the official details are classified, but soldiers familiar with the situation described some of the alleged spy incidents.
One encounter happened at Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks. A vehicle drove through a security checkpoint. When it finally stopped, the Chinese occupants inside claimed to be lost tourists. A drone was also found inside the vehicle, USA Today reported.
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Technology is part of the concern. By using even basic, easily obtainable tools such as drones, laptops and cars, spies can enhance their monitoring of sensitive facilities, doing uncalculatable damage to security.
Alaska’s News Source reported reactions from some of the state’s congressional delegation to the report.
Republican U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan sounded the alarm.
“Whether it’s a Chinese spy balloon, Russian Bear Bombers, or this new reporting of suspected Chinese spies in Alaska, this is another wake-up call that we are in a new era of authoritarian aggression led by dictators in China and Russia,” Sullivan said in a statement. “It’s also another example of just how important Alaska is for America’s national defense.
Democratic Rep. Mary Peltola said, “We are close to our foreign adversaries, closer than any other state in the nation. And we’re very sensitive about that. But I have full faith in the Pentagon. I have full faith in the American government to make sure they will make sure that we are protected.”
China has designs on more than just Alaska.
In September, Iris Ferguson, deputy assistant secretary of defense for Arctic and global resilience, said in a Department of Defense interview that Chinese leaders had “been trying to insert themselves into the Arctic.”
The Chinese have sure been trying to insert themselves into America as well.
It’s not surprising there is a Chinese spy problem here. Chinese spying is not only being tolerated, it’s being assisted.
In January, a Chinese spy balloon maneuvered its way across America, gathering data on U.S. military bases along the way. Biden did not allow it to be shot down until its mission was complete.
A Chinese company was approved to purchase land near a sensitive military base in North Dakota.
The Biden administration’s policies include turning Chinese illegal immigrants loose in the country.Chinese intelligence officials appear to be getting their money’s worth from their ties with Hunter Biden, the president’s son, whose business dealings reportedly noted that 10 percent would be held for “The Big Guy” — an apparent reference to Joe Biden.
There is a huge risk to our country from all the unknowns operating within our borders. Any nationality can jump the southern border and be in America with relative ease.
But what is even worse is the entities known to be our adversaries using the chaos of the Biden catastrophes as camouflage for their evil schemes. What our enemies learn in Alaska will be weaponized and used against us all.
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