Saturday, June 10, 2023

CCP Invasion? Border Patrol Catches 13K Chinese Migrants, Numbers Climbing

CCP Invasion? Border Patrol Catches 13K Chinese Migrants, Numbers Climbing

Is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) invading the U.S.? The number of Chinese migrants entering the U.S. this fiscal year has increased more than 1000%, with a significant number of them being military-age males.

More than one expert has suggested this could be a military invasion of the CCP, with CCP plants exploiting the border crisis to enter the United States. With the CCP becoming increasingly aggressive and hostile toward the U.S., the Biden administration should be increasing national security, not facilitating the border crisis.

Breitbart reported June 10:

Since the beginning of Fiscal Year 23 on October 1, 2022, Border Patrol agents along the U.S.-Mexico border apprehended nearly 13,000 Chinese migrants. The number represents a more than 1,000 percent increase in migrants from the communist regime when compared to the previous year’s totals…

Approximately 84 percent of the migrants from the PRC [People’s Republic of China] are single adults. After processing by the Border Patrol, most are released to pursue asylum claims in the United States.

A previous on-the-scene report showed that hundreds of the Chinese migrants are military-age men.

Dr. Kenneth Allard, a retired Army Colonel, former intelligence officer, and former Dean of Students at the National War College, told Breitbart that the CCP is likely exploiting the Biden administration’s weakness and the southern border crisis. “Totalitarian governments like China are great exploiters of opportunity,” Dr. Allard explained. “They recognize weakness and capitalize on it immediately. What we are seeing reflects a deliberate policy choice by the regime.” He added of Joe Biden that “it’s obvious he is not entirely in control at present, China realizes that as well.”

Allard, as not only a former intelligence officer but former special assistant to the Army Chief of Staff, is worried at how little intelligence seems to be gathered on the influx of Chinese migrants.

Breitbart added:

What little information that is retrieved from the migrants would indicate most are fleeing the repressive regime due to the aftereffects of the extreme COVID-19 lockdowns imposed by Xi Jinping’s government. Another reason cited by the migrants is the negative economic effects of China’s strict COVID-19 policies regarding the exportation and importation of goods.

This is understandable if it’s true. It is also understandable that the U.S. should aim to help Chinese dissidents escape the oppressive CCP (though not by leaving the border wide open), but, to emphasize Allard’s point, does the Biden administration make any effort to find out if and how many of the migrants are possible CCP plants?

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