Having grown up in a liberal society (not liberal-left, but classical liberal) most Americans have not grasped a simple fact: the modern Left does not believe in reason.
That is not hyperbole. It is a simple statement of fact. It is the central truth of critical theory, which underlies DEI, CRT, Transgender ideology, and all the modern ills we lump together as wokism.
“Woke” is a neologism based upon the idea of “awakening,” or the insight that modern rationalism is an oppressive Western construct intended to enforce White Supremacy. The real world is a world of narratives, and he who controls the narrative controls the world. Speech is a tool of power, and reason is the White culture’s weapon in the power struggle.
Hence any reference to mere fact and reason is simply proof that one is a White supremacist, regardless of skin color. This is how you get Harvard statisticians claiming that 2+2 can equal 5. He is studying to be a biostatistician.
One of the many real-world consequences of this belief is the fact that the MSM has come to see themselves as the rightful keepers of the narrative, and as social justice warriors with the responsibility to bring down the White Supremacist power structure.
A great example of this, of which there are many, is provided by this exchange between Pierre Poilievre (the leader of the opposition in Canada, and a seemingly impressive politician) and a reporter. The subject was criminal justice reforms being debated in Canada, and the reporter spews forth the approved narrative to the confusion of Poilievre, who still believes one can reason with Leftists.
Of course, Poilievre’s audience is not the reporter, who clearly has no interest in doing anything but spewing the approved narrative and insisting that everybody but the criminal is responsible for the crime, but the general public.
Unfortunately, much of the public seems to be captivated by the critical theory narrative; they vote for the Trudeau Administration, which is inflicting the damage on Canadians. Poilievre has a devoted audience who see the obvious, but obviousness isn’t what it used to be.
When one is no longer a believer in the firmness of reality, one can accept anything as true. The breakdown of our education system, our MSM, and the unrelenting propaganda spewed by the MSM has captivated the minds of far too many people apparently. The idea that someone as vapid, as authoritarian, and as blatantly dishonest as Trudeau can win multiple elections in a liberal country is scary.
Yet Trudeau is the tip of the iceberg. He is, at least, an attractive tyrant. Joe Biden, who is barely sentient, won the most votes of any politician in American history. Many Americans even think he is a decent guy, which is bizarre given his rambling, ranting, sniffing, corrupt and nasty ways.

It’s the power of the narrative. The MSM just pounds the ideas into our heads, and people unable to use their own eyes, ears, and brains nod along. Biden can give the most fascistic speech in American history and be hailed as a defender of Democracy.
At the root of this corruption are our public education system and academia, which both work overtime to disarm Americans’ ability to think. Add in a dash of MSM propaganda, politically charged entertainment, and the shock troops of Antifa and BLM here in the US.
It is, unfortunately, a universal problem in the Anglosphere. The classical liberal tradition is a British invention, and the home of liberty has for 200+ years been the Anglosphere. But the US, Canada, Great Britain, and New Zealand are now the political home base of some of the worst “soft” tyrannies in the world. Europe is freer in many cases than the US and Eastern Europe is much freer. Sweden, God forbid, is the home of more political rationality than the United States, although immigration policies may yet destroy that country.
The rejection of liberal democracy in the Anglosphere is the greatest threat to liberty in generations. The Anglosphere saved the world from both fascism and Marxism in the 20th century.
It is threatening to become the home of both ideologies in the 21st.
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