Wednesday, May 17, 2023

WATCH LIVE FROM MARICOPA COUNTY COURT ROOM: Kari Lake’s Trial on Fraudulent 2022 Election Signature Verification – Begins at 9AM PST

Maricopa County’s approved fraudulent 2020 mail-in ballot signatures

Kari Lake will appear at 9 am in the Maricopa County Superior Court to fight her lawsuit contesting the stolen 2022 Midterm Election again at trial.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Kari Lake’s lawsuit to overturn the corrupt Midterm Election.

Judge Peter Thompson previously dismissed the lawsuit on Christmas Eve, despite the evidence of massive voter disenfranchisement targeting Republicans and obviously false trial testimony by County Elections officials in the December trial.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, The Arizona Supreme Court ruled in Lake’s favor on appeal and remanded the “erroneous[ly]” dismissed signature verification fraud count back to the trial court for further review. See examples of the fraudulent signatures previously accepted by Maricopa County here.

The Gateway Pundit reported yesterday that Judge Peter Thompson reaffirmed a previous minute entry, setting a three-day trial for Kari Lake’s remanded fraudulent signature verification claims. However, Thompson dismissed Count II regarding intentional election day tabulator failures, despite newly discovered evidence that Maricopa County rigged the election and secretly tested voting machines to fail Republican voters.

The Gateway Pundit also reported on a new video that reveals the truth about Maricopa County’s fraudulent signature verification by showing a signature verification worker approving mail-in ballot signatures in less than two seconds each. Kari Lake’s attorneys plan to reveal more at trial.

“Lake must prove a competent mathematical basis to win at trial, but she need not plead a specific number of votes in her complaint under notice pleading,” states the latest Minute Entry.

Lake must also “demonstrate at trial pursuant to her concessions that Maricopa County’s higher level signature reviewers conducted no signature verification or curing and in so doing had systematically failed to materially comply with the law.”

This is a high standard of evidence, but clearly, unscrupulous Maricopa County officials are allowing “subjective” and fraudulent signature verification.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Maricopa County attorney Joe La Rue admitted Friday that signature verification is “subjective” and “something of an art” that is open to the interpretation of whatever activist reviews the signature. “It’s not really an exact science,” stated La Rue.

If the judge is fair, he will not allow the lying Maricopa County officials to get away with this crime.

The trial will be held from May 17-19 at the Maricopa County Superior Court Southeast Regional Public Service Facility in Mesa, Arizona.

Watch live here or below via Right Side Broadcasting Network:

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