Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Old Joe Puts on a Cringefest at Muslim White House Event

Old Joe Puts on a Cringefest at Muslim White House Event

Is Old Joe Biden losing what little grip he had?

The reputed president hosted a reception in the White House Monday to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim feast marking the end of Ramadan, the monthlong season of fasting by day and gorging by night, and he was in even worse form than usual. The senescent corruptocrat who holds the job that not too long ago entitled him to be called the leader of the free world was slurring his words and making wildly inappropriate cracks. At one point he even told an audience member, “Hush up, boy,” which would have made for at least a week’s worth of media outrage for his predecessor, if not impeachment proceedings. All in all, Biden’s Eid display was another I-told-you-so moment for the Democrats who wish Old Joe would just go away already.

Biden struggled with his teleprompter even more than usual, and was often defeated. In the midst of a lengthy bout of Islamopandering, he declared: “Muslims surveyed and served very, very bravely in the U.S. Armed Forces and law enforcement.” “Surveyed and served” was clearly a matter of the dementia-ridden octogenarian reading his cue cards wrong and then correcting himself. A bit later on he said: “And the cheer from Muslim —” No, that can’t be right, Joe, try again: “We cheer for Muslim athletes, like Kareem” – uh oh, you know this is going to be a tough one for The Big Guy – “Alj- — Alj- — Abdul-Jabbar.” Old Joe tried to cover for this by adding: “I know him, and I still mispronounced his name. But he calls me ‘Joe Bidden’ once in a while.” That almost certainly was yet another lie from Joe, but the audience, knowing that the jabbering old man who is supposed to be president was very much on their side, dutifully laughed, anyway.

Even amidst all his pandering, however, the alleged president managed to make some clumsy and tone-deaf remarks. He called out, “Congresswoman Omar. Where are you, Congresswoman Omar?” When the winsome and patriotic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) responded, “Right here.” Biden said: “I’m not supposed to — I’ll get in trouble for saying this, but you look beautiful tonight.” Omar is a Sharia-adherent, hijab-wearing Muslim. The basis for the hijab in Islamic theology is that it is supposed to reduce a woman’s attractiveness and thereby remove the possibility that men will be tempted; for Biden, as a male who is unrelated to Omar and an infidel at that, to tell her that she looks beautiful was the height of inappropriateness. If he weren’t pretending to be president, he would indeed have gotten in trouble for saying such a thing.

Biden also boasted that Muslims in his regime were working away at his socialist, America-Last agenda: “Muslim Americans in my administration are working on everything from making sure our veterans get quality healthcare, to meeting the climate crisis, to representing Americans overseas as members of our diplomatic corps.” But as Biden was in mid-pander, an audience member called out: “We also have the first federal judge — Muslim federal judge. The only one.” Biden began to reply, but the audience member kept talking until Papa Dementia snapped: “You want to come and make a speech? Hush up, boy.” Boy? Who are you calling “boy,” Joe? If Biden had an “R” after his name, this “boy” would have been screaming headline news all Tuesday morning. But as always, Old Joe gets a pass.

Related: Biden Establishes ‘Interagency Task Force With Senior Government Officials’ to Stop ‘Islamophobia’

Pious Joe also seized yet another opportunity to run down his own tradition, marveling at how Catholics have it easy compared to Muslims in terms of fasting: “It’s not so different than we Catholics have Lent. We do it for 40 days, but not nearly as hard as your time. It’s a little longer than Ramadan, but we get to eat and drink during the day, which makes a big difference, to say the least.” Sure, but Biden didn’t mention that during Ramadan, Muslims feast all night, which makes the fast look quite different. Nor did he note that the traditional Lenten fast, which some Christians still observe, involves eating no meat, dairy, or fish for forty days, and that’s far more rigorous than Ramadan. Why did Catholic Joe have to go out of his way to compare his own faith unfavorably to Islam? Why does he profess to be a pious Catholic and yet never misses an opportunity to denigrate Christianity or foster legislation that is opposed to its teachings?

Biden concluded by wishing the audience a “Happy Eid Mubarak.” The name of the feast is actually “Eid al-Fitr,” that is, the Feast of Breaking the Fast. “Eid Mubarak,” or “Blessed feast,” is what Muslims say to one another on the big day. So what Biden was saying to his guests was the equivalent of saying “Happy Merry Christmas.” Just more tone-deafness, and one more indication that it’s long past time for Old Joe to retire to his taxpayer-funded walled Delaware beach house and catch up on those Matlock reruns.


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