Wednesday, May 17, 2023

As The Globalists Perform Barbaric Experiments Upon Humanity, Transforming Men Into Machines, The Bible Warned What These Days Would Bring In The War Between Good And Evil

 May 17, 2023 

By The End Times Watcher for All News Pipeline

Watchmen, watch out---these fighters aren’t men-- they’re machines! See how they rush on the city and climb on its walls, not breaking rank or swerving, a mighty army that’s coming right at us! 

The prophet Joel tells us that battles like this will happen on a day when the earth shakes, the sky trembles, and the sun and moon are dark. That’s when we’ll face an army of Mega-soldiers who aren’t quite human—really, not even close—who are designed to plunge through our defenses and make the earth a desert waste. 

Nothing phases this army as they charge like army tanks, marching in line without even jostling one another as they climb over walls and break through our defenses. 

Is it going to happen? Joel prophesies that a time is coming when super-human entities draw up for battle. This will take place at a time the Scripture calls “the day of the Lord.” 

What a dreadful day! For the day of the Lord is near; it will come like a destruction from the Almighty….Like dawn spreading across the mountains a large and mighty army comes, such as never was of old nor ever will be in ages to come. Joel 1:1

Therefore in Habakkuk the Lord tells us to be watchmen, to stand on the ramparts and sound the alarm when we see these things begin to fall in place. One who listened was Hollie Moody, who shared her post several years ago on Steve Quayle’s website. In a prophetic vision Hollie was standing next to a tall tower where the Lord had commissioned her to be on watch. 

"Suddenly, I saw something bright falling from the heavens,’ she said. “When this brightness struck the earth, I saw what appeared to be a mist. From this mist sprang forth spirits, some type of angelic beings. Yet I felt tremendous and immense fear and unease as I viewed these spiritual beings. 

“What is happening, Lord?” I asked. “What are these spiritual beings?” 

“These are the fallen ones,” the Lord replied. “This is the return of the Nephilim.” 

“I had no idea what these words meant, yet was filled with absolute terror at what the Lord had just said to me.” 

Hollie was terrified again as she watched the beings enter laboratories and work with doctors to conduct Nazi-like experiments. Their labors brought forth Frankenstein-type creatures that at first appeared to be human, but when she consulted the Lord, he told her, “These are the soul-less ones.” 

The idea of a created body lacking a soul is familiar in Jewish folklore. Kabbalists, or Jewish mystics, named their inanimate creations “golem,” referring to a clay creature that can be magically brought to life. Jay Michaelson on the My Jewish Learning site ‘’ explained that the name comes from a Hebrew word meaning something incomplete or unfinished, like an embryo. 

“Jewish folklore abounds with tales of mystical rabbis creating life from dust,” he said. “Some kabbalists believe that under rare circumstances humans can imbue lifeless matter with that intangible but essential spark of life: the soul.” 

Take that notion a step further and consider the robots and zombie-like humanoid creatures being built today. To kabbalists and patrons of the magic arts, they could be considered unfinished creatures, ready and waiting for some human-like “pseudo-soul” to fill their empty frames. 

Synthetic humans, clones, and organic robots—it sounds as if we’re moving into the realm of science fiction, but even now scientists have developed technology that uses artificial intelligence to erase the barrier between man’s current state and what he could be. 

This brings humanity to the brink of transhumanism, which was early defined by Wikipedia this way: “The most common transhumanism thesis is that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into different beings with abilities so greatly expanded from the natural condition as to merit the label of posthuman beings.”

Artificial intelligence allows a pre-programmed robot to shoot to kill a live target. One alt- news site has predicted that somewhere around 2025 the US army will have more combat robots than human soldiers. 

In movies like Terminator 2, the action revs up when artificial intelligence runs wild, with programmed robots turning against their programmers. But for that to happen in real life, these synthetic beings would have to develop consciousness and make the conclusion that humankind is detrimental to their existence and should be destroyed. 

For kiddie fans of movieland, it makes a good story, but hard to believe that man-made bodies and machines would come to life and develop some kind of self-realization. Without a spiritual infusion, these lifeless constructions fit the Bible’s description of “useless wooden images and metal idols made by men.” 

”They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but they cannot see; they have ears but cannot hear, they have hands, but cannot feel, feet but they cannot walk. Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them.” Psalm 115:5-8 

So even our best inventions and laboratory-grown specimens will remain just that—lifeless machines and synthetic pseudo-humans that cannot speak, think, feel or move on their own. That is, unless the soul-less bodies are suddenly inhabited by spirits that have been cast down to the earth, as in the days of Noah. 

So, watchmen get ready, for the invasion could happen at any time. When it does, we may learn that conducting a war with machinated creatures under our command is one thing. But those same creatures inhabited and controlled by satanic spirits from the pit is something else. 

In Hollie Moody’s vision, she was alarmed by the prospect of evil spirits coming back to earth, and asked the Lord, “What is the purpose of these things?” 

“This is a last effort waged by the enemy to destroy man’s ability to receive salvation,” He replied. “The soul-less ones do not have the ability to become or to experience salvation; for they have no soul. 

“Tell My children to watch, child. Tell them to allow nothing to deceive them.”

The Bible Warned What These Days Would Bring In The War Between Good And Evil (

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