Friday, April 28, 2023

Teenage “trans” male who opted to surgically replace penis with fake vagina DIES from complications

Thursday, April 27, 2023 by: 

(Natural NewsWarning: The story you are about to read is graphic and disturbing but is necessarily so to illustrate the horrors of transgender “conversion therapy,” especially for developing children. Reader discretion is advised.

In their push to convert the entire next generation into transgenders, LGBT cultists both in media and government will never tell you the serious downsides of “gender affirming treatments,” most notably the risks involved with slicing and replacing body parts to try to become another gender.

Take the case of an 18-year-old trans-identified male who died following a botched surgery to replace his penis with a so-called “neo-vagina.” The unfortunate individual was a member of the infamous Dutch study, which looked at child sex changes.

The individual in question was so young at the time of his “conversion” that there was not yet enough penile tissue available for surgeons to use in creating a fake neo-vagina. Because of this, they engaged in an even riskier procedure involving the boy’s bowels, which were partially removed.

The procedure went awry and the body ended up developing fatal necrotizing fasciitis. In other words, he died a gruesome and miserable death as body butcher “doctors” tore apart his bodily tissue to try to give him a fake vagina so he could become his “true self.”

A manuscript about the incident written by Negenborn et al. claims that the “absence of a functional vagina has a negative effect on the (sexual) quality of life of (transgender) women,” which in this case was the excuse needed to perform the dangerous vaginal “reconstruction procedure” on the young boy.

(Related: According to the American Medical Association [AMA], anyone who objects to procedures like vaginoplasties being performed on young children is “dangerous” to society.)

Young boy’s waste-tainted colon tissue caused him to develop life-ending E. coli infection resulting in multiple organ failure

Prior to the death-inducing surgery, the young boy was considered to be and described as being “healthy.” He had previously undergone drug-induced puberty suppression, which is the true reason why his male genitals were abnormally undeveloped at the time of the procedure.

“Transgender women with early-onset gender dysphoria, treated with puberty suppressing hormones, report fewer behavioral and emotional problems and an improvement of general functioning,” is the official claim that was used to justify the deadly procedure that would follow.

Within 24 hours of his failed vaginoplasty, the body developed necrotizing fasciitis. Despite receiving very large doses of intravenous antibiotics and “repeated surgical debridement,” the body ultimately went into multiple organ failure and died.

Despite this, the Cult of LGBT continues to peddle the lie that “vaginal reconstruction” has a “positive influence” on the quality of life of “non-transgender and transgender women.” As a small footnote, the warning that “physicians and patients need to be aware of serious complications that may arise” is there as a quiet disclaimer.

An investigation into the boy’s death revealed that the E. coli infection he developed more than likely came from his waste-filled bowels, which doctors tried to use to create a fake vagina. The whole procedure was filthy and disgusting, in other words, because it involved the use of waste-processing body tissue being used in the construction of artificial genitals.

“Instead of using the penile tissue, they will have to use some of your colon,” explained Dr. Michael Biggs, a sociologist who played a critical role in exposing the scandal, as well as other such scandals that occurred at the soon-to-be-closed Tavistock Clinic in London.

“Now of course, that means opening up your intestines, and that’s obviously much, much, much riskier because then you have a different site and of course, intestines are also messy.”

More related news coverage about the transgender mutilation and destruction of innocent children can be found at

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