Sunday, April 30, 2023

Where was the place you live in times past?

This is a globe showing how the Earth's continents have changed over time, and where the place you live was located. I couldn't find where I currently live, so I tried Sydney because it is about an hour or so away from where I live. It was interesting to see the changes. I typed Sydney into the location bar, with the time set to 20 million years, then I just clicked later epochs. I hope the globe comes up and not the original website. If the original website comes up, just click the link in the body of the text to take you to the globe. 

Ancient Earth globe ( 

WEF wants to accelerate the commercialisation of nature or, if you prefer their alternative, depopulation

 World leaders will be gathering together later this year to “accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030,” according to an announcement made by the unaccountable, unelected, corporate-led World Economic Forum (“WEF”) earlier this week.

Agenda 21’s aim initially was to achieve global sustainable development by 2000, with the “21” in Agenda 21 referring to the original target of the 21st century.

Agenda 2030, also known as the Sustainable Development Goals, is a set of goals decided upon at the United Nations (“UN”) Sustainable Development Summit in 2015. Agenda 2030 takes all of the goals set by Agenda 21 and re-asserts them as the basis for “sustainable development.”

The 17 Goals were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015, as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which set out a 15-year plan to achieve the Goals.

Today, progress is being made in many places, but, overall, action to meet the Goals is not yet advancing at the speed or scale required. 2020 needs to usher in a decade of ambitious action to deliver the Goals by 2030.

The Sustainable Development Agenda, United Nations

Since WEF’s meeting at Davos in 2021, WEF has publicly discussed how these goals can be used to achieve King Charles’ “Great Reset.” – which we would argue is a radical form of totalitarian communism although some describe it as socialism.

“The UN and WEF appear frustrated by a lack of progress made towards their ‘Great Reset’ ideol

ogy, alongside Agenda 2030, the socialist, ideological successor to the failed ‘Millennium Development Goals’,” The National Pulse reported.

In its recent announcement, WEF seems desperate to make up for lost time and impose the UN goals as quickly as possible: 

Attacks on civil society and civic freedoms threaten to unravel achievements in meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This year’s [SDG progress] report is especially crucial as we’re nearing the halfway point of Agenda 2030 – arguably the greatest-ever human endeavour undertaken to create peaceful, just, equal and sustainable societies.

The report’s findings will help lay the groundwork for deliberations at the high-level 2023 SDG Summit which will take place alongside UN General Assembly meetings in September this year.

The 2023 SDG Summit is enormously significant, with a number of world leaders expected to attend. They will reflect on the progress achieved and propose strategies to accelerate the implementation of Agenda 2030, which has suffered unforeseen setbacks …

Agenda 2030: Why civic participation is key to meeting UN sustainability targets, World Economic Forum, 24 April 2023

WEF also wants to enlist the participation of “civil society organisations” to hurry the agenda along.  Participation from you and me, the people it affects, is noticeably absent.  WEF assumes the chosen “high-level” participants will make all our decisions and we will simply fall in line. Really?!

Before we allow them to railroad us with their plans, we should ensure we understand what their aims truly are.  So – looking beyond the fluffy language they use as an attempt to convince you they are a force for good – what are their true aims?  Dr. Michael Coffman and Henry Lamb have some of the answers.

Dr. Michael Coffman was an author, researcher, speaker, and founding contributor to the fight against Agenda 21 Sustainable Development. He was President of Environmental Perspectives, Inc., and Executive Director of Sovereignty International. Dr. Coffman played a key role in stopping the ratification of the Biodiversity Treaty in the US Senate.  He died in 2017.

Henry Lamb was the first to discover Agenda 21 and sound the alarm. He wrote the book ‘The Rise of Global Governance, and Agenda 21. He also produced a series of videos on Agenda 21. Each stand as invaluable tools for anyone wanting to know where this evil agenda came from and why it must be stopped. Lamb died in 2012.

In this article, we explore the goal relating to biodiversity. Conservation of biological diversity is the subject of Chapter 15 of Agenda 21 and has been translated into Agenda 2030 as SDG15.  Don’t be fooled by the use of the word “conservation” as you will see it has nothing to do with conservation.  But then, it doesn’t have much to do with biological diversity either.

Buried within three of the UN’s foundational documents are the true aims of SDG15.  These three documents are the 1992 Biodiversity Treaty; the 1992 Wildlands Project and the 1995 Global Biodiversity Assessment. Perhaps after reading the following, you will conclude, as we have, that the only truthful word in the phrase “conservation of biological diversity” is “of.”

Biodiversity Treaty

Signed by 150 government leaders at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, the Convention on Biological Diversity is dedicated to promoting “sustainable development.”  The Convention on Biological Diversity is also referred to as the Biodiversity Treaty.

In 2017, the host of On Target, Thom Strawn, interviewed Dr. Coffman who discussed a wide range of environmental issues that were, and still are, being used to scare people into being willing to give up their Constitutional protections and to “save” themselves by creating “global governance.”

At timestamp 34:23 minutes Dr. Coffman said that if the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Biodiversity Treaty, had been signed by the US Senate in the summer of 1994, it “would have mandated a reduction in the Earth’s human population by two-thirds in 30 to 50 years.”

The Wildlands Project

The Wildlands concept is largely the work of David Foreman, the principal founder of the eco-terrorist group Earth First! and a former member of the board of the Sierra Club.

In this bizarre Wildlands scheme, human civilisation must be radically reconfigured, mines would be closed, roads torn from the landscape, timber harvesting stopped and human populations relocated. All of this is to be done, according to Wildlands co-founder Michael Soulé, in harmony with a prophetic vision: “The oracles are the fishes of the river, the fishers of the forest and articulate toads. Our naturalists and conservation biologists can help us translate their utterances. Our spokespersons, fund-raisers and grass-roots organisers will show us how to implement their sage advice.”

Read more: Background to The Wildlands Project, Dr. Michael Coffman, 18 September 2014

In a 1992 special edition of Wild EarthDr. Reed Noss published a paper he had written titled ‘The Wildlands Project: Plotting A North American Wilderness Recovery Strategy’.   Noss was the science editor of Wild Earth, a journal of the Cenozoic Society whose chairman was an environmental extremist and co-founder of Earth Frist! – David Foreman. “Earth First! is perhaps the most militant eco-terrorist organisation in the world,” Lamb said at the Granada Forum in 1996.

A 2002 article published in ACJS Today, the official newsletter of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, confirms Earth First! as a known eco-terrorist organisation. 

ACJS’s article described eco-terrorism and the damage it caused in the USA during the 1980s and 1990s: “In the United States, between 1980 and 1999, eco-terrorists committed at least 100 acts of destruction, causing approximately $42.8 million in damages … Eco-terrorist acts, although varying in both degree of risk to human life and total damages, all significantly impact human use of natural resources.”  ACJS names Earth First! as one of the three eco-terrorist groups at that time:

A preferred method of eco-terrorism used by Earth First!ers is monkeywrenching – sabotaging logging equipment by inserting spikes into trees to damage saws, or pouring foreign substances in the fuel tanks of logging equipment.  The Earth First!ers credo, “No compromise in defence of Mother Earth,” bodes well for the assignment of Earth First! as an eco-terrorist group that institutes property destruction and violence to save nature and spread their extreme environmentalist ideology.

Environmental Extremists and the Eco-Terrorism Movement, Chad Nilson and Tod Burke, January/February 2002

As well as being editor for Wild Earth, Noss did substantial editorial work for Conservation Biology; a publication of the Society for Conservation Biology, a non-profit organisation founded by Michael Soulé who claimed that the oracles had spoken and he was following a prophetic vision.

In 1991, the year before Noss published his paper in Wild Earth, Noss, Soulé, Foreman and Douglas Tompkins – founder of clothing brands The North Face and Esprit – established a group called ‘North American Wilderness Recovery Strategy’. A name which also appears as part of the title of Noss’ paper.  The name of the group was soon simplified to The Wildlands Project and is now known as the Wildlands Network. The Wildlands Project is the master plan for both Agenda 21 and the Biodiversity Treaty, Dr. Coffman noted.

We are only able to find a limited view of The Wildlands Project paper online.  However, Lamb read the paper and summarised it for the attendees of the Granada Forum:

“On page 15 of The Wildlands Project, Dr. Reed Noss says that we must convert at least 50% of the land area of North America to wilderness off limits to human beings. Those core wilderness areas are to be interconnected by wilderness corridors off-limits to human beings. Those wilderness areas are to be surrounded by buffer zones that may have limited resource use under the supervision and permitting of the federal government in collaboration with non-government organisations.

“[The] human population is to be resettled into the remaining 25% of the land into communities that are described as ‘sustainable communities’.”

Further resources:

Global Biodiversity Assessment includes the “30 by 30” Plan

In 1996, Lamb spoke at the Granada Forum.  His talk included revelations about the Global Biodiversity Assessment:

“The Convention on Biological Diversity is 16 pages long. Very bland, extremely vague … [However, it states] that a Conference of the Parties [“COP”] shall create a subsidiary body that will produce a Global Biodiversity Assessment … At the first meeting [of COP held in 1994 or COP1] the United Nations Environment Program [“UNEP”] presented them with a Global Biodiversity Assessment.”

Henry Lamb on Wildlands Project, Granada Forum 1996 (7 mins)

If the video above is removed from YouTube you can watch it on Rumble HERE.

Lamb pointed out that the last 200 pages, section 13, of the Global Biodiversity Assessment, deal specifically with a system of protected areas (see page 915) which are core wilderness areas surrounded by buffer zones. On page 993, the Global Biodiversity Assessment stated that the recently published Wildlands Project in the United States was the central theme of protected areas. 

This means that representative areas of all major ecosystems in a region need to be reserved, that blocks should be as large as possible, that buffer zones should be established around core areas, and that corridors should connect these areas. This basic design is central to the recently proposed Wildlands Project in the United States (Noss 1992), a controversial long-term strategy (100 or 200 years) to expand natural habitats and corridors to cover as much as 30% of the US land area. [Emphasis our own.]

A Global Biodiversity Assessment, United Nations Environment Programme (“UNEP”), 1995, pg. 993




If you recall from earlier in our article, the Wildlands Project was the brainchild of an eco-terrorist whose co-founder was following prophetic visions.  And yet, the entire world is being subjected to the plans they devised.

The plan to “expand natural habitats and corridors to cover as much as 30% of the land area” is what is now being called the 30 by 30 plan.  A plan that was pushed again at COP15 – the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (“UNCBD”) conference – held in December 2022, 30 years after the eco-terrorist and the self-appointed spokesman for oracles first devised it.

30 by 30 is the biggest land grab in history marketed under the guise of “protecting biodiversity.”  Survival International estimates that the nefarious plan will displace around 300 million indigenous people worldwide from their native lands and forests in the name of “conservation.”  And it will make a very few very rich while doing so.

30 by 30 is incorporated in a so-called “New Deal for Nature” which will involve new investments or financial markets worth about $10 trillion over this decade being created to provide opportunities for businesses to “engage” with the plan. Shortly after COP15 concluded, the Indigenous Environmental Network issued a statement which also exposed the private commercial interests planning to profiteer from “Mother Earth.”

Monetary control and gain are the same aims Charles “The Great Reset” King had in mind when he launched the Terra Carta, the Sustainable Markets Initiative and the Sustainable Markets Council at Davos 2020.  Davos 2020 was held in January.  On 3 June 2020, Charles launched The Great Reset “through HRH’s Sustainable Markets Initiative and the World Economic Forum.”

But the biodiversity plan is more sinister than profiteering, and displacing people, cramming them into urban centres and prohibiting them from having access to nature and the natural world.  The alternative, the Global Biodiversity Assessment stated, is depopulation.

During his interview with On Target’s Thom Strawn, Dr. Coffman highlighted:

“The Global Biodiversity Assessment [ ] talks about the fact that the world is overpopulated … as you can see in the first line there. And then they give two solutions. In this first solution, right here, is that if we want to maintain the Earth’s 5 to 7 billion people that we presently have then all of us we must go back to an agricultural world in which most of us are peasants the old feudal system of Europe. Now, if we don’t like that, if we want to maintain the current North American standard of living that we have, right here, they do give us another choice. And that is we must reduce the Earth’s population to 1 billion from its present 5 to 7 billion within 30 to 50 years.”

You can watch Dr. Coffman’s interview below. We have embedded it to start where he discussed the Global Biodiversity Assessment. If you wish to watch the full interview then start it at the beginning.

Michael Coffman: Eco Fraud – An Interview with Dr. Michael S. Coffman, 9 August 2017 (52 mins)

If the video above is removed from YouTube, you can watch it on Bitchute HERE.

U.N. asked to fire 'special rapporteur' claiming Israel has no right to self-defense

Says Israel 'oppresses' Palestinians and 'colonizes' their land

A special legal advocacy organization, the American Center for Law and Justice, which not only advocates for faith rights in America but internationally, is calling on the United Nations to fire a "special rapporteur."

That would be Francesca Albanese, the U.N.'s "special rapporteur for oPt," which stands for "occupied Palestinian territory," which doesn't exist because "Palestine" as a nation doesn't exist.

Albanese recently had claimed, on social media, that Israel cannot claim a right of self-defense against Palestinian attacks because Israel allegedly "oppresses" Palestinians and "colonizes" their land.

"What rubbish!" explained an ACLJ report.

"When democratic societies like Israel are under attack based on false accusations, we who believe in the rule of law and truth must stand and be counted. When Israel, the only democratic nation in the Middle East and the only nation in that region that follows the rule of law vis-à-vis its enemies, is libeled from whatever source, we who value truth and the rule of law cannot remain silent. We must act to set the record straight. And that is what we did in this matter."

The ACLJ explained it wrote to the U.N. secretary-general calling out the "libelous statements" by Albanese and calling for a replacement.

"We pointed out (1) there is no 'occupied Palestinian territory' because there is no Palestinian state and Israel has lawful claims to the land that the Palestinians say is theirs; (2) until there is a Palestinian state that exercises sovereignty over territory, there can be no occupation as understood in the Geneva and Hague Conventions; (3) the inconveniences on, and the military measures taken against, the population in the so-called 'West Bank' and Gaza Strip (the 'oppression' the Special Rapporteur referred to) are due to the ongoing hostilities perpetrated against Israel by Palestinian terrorist groups, and Israel’s actions are fully lawful under the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC), which currently governs the situation between Israel and the Palestinians; and (4) the international community determined over 100 years ago that the Jewish people’s return to their ancient homeland was a legitimate act of self-determination to reconstitute the Jewish national home and not colonization," the ACLJ reported.

And the group told the U.N. that a nation's right to self-defense doesn't go away because some "Special Rapporteur" claims that.

"It should also be noted that although each of us may have our own opinions, we may not have our own facts," the ACLJ said.

"For example, Israel has tried on numerous occasions to make peace with the Palestinians and to engage in bilateral negotiations, which would result in the creation of a 'Palestinian State,' only to be rebuffed at every turn," the ACLJ reported.

The U.N.'s agenda in recent decades never has included neutrality toward Israel.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported only last year on a vote by the U.N. General Assembly to call Israel's establishment a "catastrophe."

It reported, "In a majority, 90 member countries voted in favor of the move with 30 dissenting, and 47 abstaining from the vote, according to the Jerusalem Post. The United States and most of the European Union came out against the proposal.

"The word 'Nakba' is an Arabic word meaning catastrophe, according to the Jerusalem Post. The Palestinians use to the term to refer to Israel’s establishment in 1948, which is observed annually on May 15.

"In 1948, the British Mandate expired allowing Israel to announce the formation of a Jewish state and its independence. The Palestinians, however, claim the day as a time of mourning due to the displacement of their people following the Palestinian government’s rejection of the two-state proposal put forth by the United Nations in 1947."

The U.N.'s work over the years has included formal condemnations of Israel more than any other nation on earth, including those nations that openly sponsor terror.

U.N. asked to fire 'special rapporteur' claiming Israel has no right to self-defense (

Chelsea Clinton Says Banning Sexually Explicit Books From Schools is “Harmful” to Children

Chelsea Clinton came out in favor of porn for children.

Bill Clinton’s only daughter said banning sexually explicit books from schools is “harmful.”

Chelsea Clinton linked to an NBC News article reporting on the sexually explicit LGBT themed children’s books banned from libraries.

“In its annual book censorship report, the American Library Association documented 1,269 challenges to more than 2,500 books in 2022, the highest number of attempted book bans since the association began tracking such efforts in 2001. It was a 75% jump from 2021, which held the previous record.” NBC reported.

“Of the 13 books that made the ALA’s list of “Most Challenged Books” last year, seven titles — including three of the top four — were challenged for having LGBTQ content, the association found.” the outlet said.

Chelsea Clinton said porn books for children are a vital way for kids to learn about themselves.

Chelsea Clinton got roasted.

REPORT: Biden’s CIA Director Met With Jeffrey Epstein Multiple Times After Child Sex Crimes Conviction, Docs Show

Newly released documents revealed Biden-appointed CIA Director William Burns met with deceased financier and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein on multiple occasions after he was convicted of sex crimes in Florida, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reports.

The private calendar and emails show Epstein scheduled three meetings with Burns in 2014 when Burns was deputy secretary of state under President Obama, according to WSJ. Their first meeting was planned for August in the Washington, DC office of law firm Steptoe & Johnson and the next two were booked for Epstein’s Manhattan, New York townhouse, the documents show. Epstein planned on having Burns taken back to the airport after one of the scheduled meetings. (RELATED: Why Hasn’t Anyone From Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Little Black Book’ Been Arrested Yet?)

A CIA spokesperson told WSJ Burns met with Epstein as he was preparing to leave the government and did not know anything about him. “The director did not know anything about him, other than that he was introduced as an expert in the financial services sector and offered general advice on transition to the private sector,” CIA spokesperson Tammy Kupperman Thorp told the outlet. “They had no relationship.”

Burns recalled meeting Epstein once in New York after they were introduced by a mutual friend, Thorp told WSJ. “The director does not recall any further contact, including receiving a ride to the airport.”

Burns left government in October 2014 to become president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a prominent foreign policy think tank based in Washington, DC. He was appointed CIA Director by President Biden in 2021. A career diplomat, he previously served as ambassador to Russia from 2005-08. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: CIA Director’s Former Think Tank Hired Experts From Nonprofits Controlled By Chinese Spy Agencies)

Epstein was accused of sexual abuse in 2005 by multiple underage girls, the youngest being 14 years old. The accusations led to an investigation by Palm Beach, Florida police who were prepared to charge Epstein with multiple counts of unlawful sex with a minor, according to the Associated Press (AP). State Attorney Barry Krischer intervened and Epstein ended up being arrested following an indictment for a single count of soliciting prostitution.

Epstein was convicted by Florida prosecutors in June 2008 for procuring a minor of prostitution and felony solicitation of prosecution in 2008. He was sentenced to 18 months in jail and required to register as a sex offender. The conviction came after his lawyers arranged a plea bargain with the U.S. Attorney in Miami, Alexander Acosta, to avoid federal prosecution, per the AP. Acosta went on to serve as Secretary of Labor under President Trump.

Epstein spent the majority of his jail sentence under a work-release program and left jail in July 2009, while federal prosecutors secretly agreed not to prosecute Epstein for federal crimes.

He was later charged in July 2019 by federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York for allegedly sex trafficking minors. Epstein was found dead in his Manhattan jail cell in August 2019 under mysterious circumstances. His partner and co-conspirator, Ghislaine Maxwell, was sentenced to 20 years in prison in June 2022 for conspiring with Epstein to sexually abuse minors.

Bipartisan House Votes to End Tariff Protections for Chinese Solar Manufacturers

Bipartisan House Votes to End Tariff Protections for Chinese Solar Manufacturers

Despite objections from the Biden administration, the House voted 221-202 to strike down tariff protections given during the Obama administration for solar panels built by Chinese manufacturers.

The Chinese solar panel industry already dwarfs the U.S., and the need for a tariff — if there ever was a need — is gone.

“Joe Biden’s decision to protect Communist China’s solar manufacturers from U.S. tariffs is another demonstration of weakness from an already spineless administration,” House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) told Fox News Digital.

“House Republicans are continuing to lead where the White House has failed in holding China accountable by working across the aisle to nullify this absurd rule,” he continued.

The Chinese were cheating anyway.

Fox News:

In June 2022, Biden implemented a 24-month moratorium on the enforcement of solar panel anti-circumvention tariffs introduced under the Obama administration to protect U.S. companies. The White House characterized the move as a two-year “bridge” that would allow companies to build solar panel production capabilities on U.S. soil.

The move, however, came after the Commerce Department said months earlier it would investigate whether Chinese manufacturers were routing solar panels through countries in Southeast Asia to avoid U.S. tariffs. And in December, the agency published its preliminary findings showing four large solar companies had routed products through Cambodia, Malaysia and Vietnam to circumvent duties.

The Commerce Department is expected to release its final report in May, where its report will prove that China has been actively and deliberately circumventing the tariffs.

Biden doesn’t care. He says he will veto the bill if it reaches his desk anyway.

“With every passing month the CCP gets closer to dominating the solar market, making it harder for Americans to compete,” Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.) said in a statement to Fox News Digital after the vote Friday. “Today’s bipartisan vote holds China accountable for violating our trade laws and scores a big win for American solar manufacturers and workers.”

“The United States can and should focus its resources into developing our own capability to manufacture quality solar products and boosting American competitiveness around the world and I want to thank my colleagues for advancing this important bipartisan legislation,” the Florida Republican added.

Chinese apologists in the U.S. are none too pleased with Congress.

Green energy industry groups like American Clean Power and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), meanwhile, have pushed back on the legislation and have expressed support for Biden’s emergency declaration. SEIA, which counts energy utility and Chinese solar companies among its members, has argued the Commerce Department investigation had a chilling effect on the solar supply chain, hurting American jobs.

A group of environmental groups have also lobbied Congress to vote against the bill.

If you’re going to apply a tariff to foreign manufacturing, it should be enforced. The need to lift the tariff has not been fully demonstrated, so rather than allow cheap Chinese solar panels to flood the U.S. market, put American companies on a firmer footing by making Chinese products at least as expensive as their U.S. competitors.

The reason there’s a need for a “bridge” for American solar panel manufacturers is that trading rules were not enforced by the Obama or Biden administrations. Trump imposed a stiff four-year tariff regime on solar imports in 2018, and Biden promptly rolled back most of it. Now, America is playing catchup thanks to Biden’s myopic view that battling climate change was more important than creating a larger, more reliable American solar power industry.

Anheuser-Busch Hit with Bad News as Human Rights Campaign Gets Involved in Mulvaney Controversy

Anheuser-Busch is being urged, in light of conservative pushback to the company’s partnership with Dylan Mulvaney, to publicly reaffirm its support for the transgender community.A letter, acquired by The Hill, was sent this week to Anheuser-Busch’s head of human resources by Jay Brown, a senior vice president at the Human Rights Campaign Foundation.

“In this moment, it is absolutely critical for Anheuser-Busch to stand in solidarity with Dylan and the trans community,” the Wednesday letter read.

“However, when faced with anti-LGBTQ+ and transphobic criticism, Anheuser-Busch’s actions demonstrate a profound lack of fortitude in upholding its values of diversity, equity, and inclusion to employees, customers, shareholders and the LGBTQ+ community,” the letter continued.

The HRC took issue with a statement released by Anheuser-Busch on April 14 entitled “Our Responsibility to America.”

In part, that statement read, “We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people. We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer.”

The company’s decision to commemorate Mulvaney’s one-year anniversary of his “Days of Girlhood” TikTok series with a beer can with Mulvaney’s face on it started a firestorm for the company.

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According to Fox Business, Anheuser-Busch lost more than $5 billion in value the week following Mulvaney’s partnership, and Yahoo Finance reported last week that Bud Light sales dipped an astonishing 17 percent since Mulvaney made the announcement.

The company is now in the unenviable situation of trying to keep its market share while trying not to offend the LGBT community and the HRC in particular.

The HRC is the largest and one of the most powerful LGBT rights advocates in the nation. More importantly than that, the HRC oversees the “Corporate Equality Index.”

According to the New York Post, the HRC uses its Corporate Equality Index (CEI) to issue report cards for America’s biggest corporations awarding or subtracting points for how well companies adhere to what HRC calls its rating criteria.

The rating criteria consists of five major categories as follows: “Workforce Protections,” “Inclusive Benefits,” “Supporting an Inclusive Culture,” “Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsible Citizenship.”

In 2022, according to the HRC website, Anheuser-Busch was one of 842 companies to receive a perfect rating as a company with a strong commitment to equality. Now, in 2023, that commitment is being called into question-based on the handling of one situation.

The HRC, according to the letter, is preparing to lower Anheuser-Busch’s longstanding 100 percent CEI score unless the company agrees to meet with HRC leadership and release a statement reaffirming its support of the LGBT community.

So far Anheuser-Busch has declined to meet the HRC’s requests as the company tries to stop the drop in sales that it has experienced over the past few weeks.

SCOTUS Upholds Biden's 'Ghost Gun' Restrictions, 7-2

Interesting -- as far as it goes. It serves as a reminder of the importance of winning elections, as we'll see soon, or so gun-rights gr...