Sunday, February 19, 2023

Trans activist threatens to slit JK Rowling's throat

"If they all had one throat, man," Felker-Martin wrote.

A trans activist and author who signed a petition against the New York Times for publishing favorable pieces on publicly gender-critical author J.K. Rowling has publicly threatened to kill her and other "transphobes."

According to the Daily Mail, Gretchen Felker-Martin, a Massachusetts-based author of the 2022 horror book "Manhunt," has come under fire for a now-deleted tweet in which a series of writers, including Rowling, were accused of anti-trans bigotry. "If they all had one throat, man," Felker-Martin wrote.

In "Manhunt," a story about transgender women scavenging for estrogen and "hunting feral men and harvesting their organs" in a post-apocalyptic world, Felker-Martin displayed disdain for Rowling, killing her off in the storyline by way of being burned alive.

Felker-Martin's threat came shortly before signing an open letter with 180 other activists, delivered to the New York Times on Wednesday, condemning the outlet's positive coverage of Rowling. A day after receiving the cries from activists, celebrities, and Times employees alike, the publication put out another story: "In Defense of J.K. Rowling."

The open letter was published by left-wing group Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), who demanded that the Times "improve their coverage of transgender people." Among the other signers were Judd Apatow, Gabrielle Union-Wade, Jameela Jamil, Maragaret Cho and Lena Dunham.

Another writer targeted by Felker-Martin's threat to slit throats was Jesse Singal, who condemned the death threat and detailed the horror author's history of harassing him in a Substack post.

In his blog post "I'd Like Gretchen Felker-Martin To Stop Tweeting Violent And Sexual Things About Me (Updated)," Singal brought up multiple instances of the trans activist tweeting disturbing and violent things about him.

"Cis people, fix your hearts* or die," one 2019 tweet read. "*Bing Jesse Singal with strong rope and bring him to the quarry at the edge of town. Give him to us alive and unspoiled. Leave, and no matter what sounds you hear, don't look back."

Singal attached several other instances of Felker-Martin sharing sexual fantasies about him, including one where the author described opening a closet door to "find Jesse Singal furiously jerking it, his face purple, a belt drawn taut around his throat with its free end tied to the hanger rod."

In yet another post, Felker-Martin wrote to Singal: "Everyone knows how craven and pitiful you are, unable even to admit your own disgusting principles. All I have to say is that you ought to remember how things ended for Goebbels and Himmler. You might get yourselves the nightmare you're so obsessed with manifesting, but it's going to eat you alive in the end, and no matter how many of us you kill we'll keep being born, we'll keep inventing ourselves. You can never get rid of us. We will fuck on your neglected graves."

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