Tuesday, February 21, 2023

They're not anti-gun – they're anti-us having them

Exclusive: Mychal Massie on why 'politicians are like dogs that aren't housebroken'

Specific to their cries for action, I don't disagree. No responsible firearm enthusiast or gun owner would disagree with taking action. It's the "what kind" of action that I and those like me disagree with.

What needs to be done is find the perpetrator of shooting, arrest him, prosecute him and punish him to the fullest extent of the law. The key to enforcement is to punish the violator, not an inanimate object – and certainly not to punish the tens of millions of responsible gun owners and enthusiasts.

We don't need more draconian laws that impact the rights of responsible gun owners. Not one of the over 22,000 gun laws in the United States has prevented evildoers from wreaking havoc and murder.

As I wrote in my July 18, 2022, syndicated op-ed:

There are no boundaries that evil and wickedness will not exceed without an immutable "Restrainer." It's for this reason that the Constitution was always going to be susceptible to the sinful pluripotency of godless mankind.

I argue that it's precisely because of the developmental plasticity of the godless that John Adams cautioned: "Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." (John Adams to the Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798)

Specific to Adams' warning, America has become little more than a reliquary to what she could have been. Our Founding Fathers were anything but fools. They endeavored their best to secure America from godless agenda-driven progenitors of subjugation.

I submit it's for this precise reason that the godless have twisted the words of our Founding Fathers, resulting in emissaries of Satan masquerading as justices, judges, and politicians charged with upholding and defending the Constitution, but who are responsible for its deconstruction instead.

Which brings me to the following point: Morality doesn't evolve; it transmogrifies into something unrecognizable unless the boundaries of propriety are well defined and punctuated with the promise of undesirable consequences for the violation of same.

It needs to be understood that there's no such thing as the so-called "anti-gun crowd." They're just anti-you and me having guns. They want government-only gun possession and their private security teams to have guns. The rest of us can suck salt.

The general public empowers those who in truth and in reality are anti-freedom for We the People. They do this by giving credence to people like the political trollop Gretchen Whitmer or sexually deranged deviant Lori Lightfoot who is the worst mayor in the history of Chicago.

Chicago has among the strictest anti-gun policies, yet on any night of the week it's worse today than in the days when Al Capone and the bootleggers covered the streets with blood. Whitmer can be accused of many things, but only those dumber than she would call her smart. Thus, when she insists something must be done and she's going to do it, that simply means she feels a crime has been committed that can be used by her and/or her kind to violate our constitutional rights with impunity.

Politicians are using the actions of evil parasitic criminals who feed off those who are without the ability to protect themselves. Such criminals are a threat for one reason and one reason alone – those POLITICIANS.

It is a fact that criminals do not attack people able to defend themselves. They look for the vulnerable. Taking away our right to own and bear arms is a moratorium on the ability of citizenry to protect themselves.

We need only a few gun laws. We don't need layers and layers of laws with the prefix gun that some fool of a politician uses to boast about being responsible for stripping away our rights.

We need to arrest, bring to trial, convict and send to prison criminals, without sympathizers making more laws to have them released before they've served their time. We don't need special gun laws, e.g., regarding hate crimes. Every crime against a person is a hate crime in the moment it's perpetrated. We don't need melanin gun laws, i.e., a person gets more time for shooting a person with dark pigmentation or a homosexual or some similar sexual deviant.

I blame the public more than the politicians. Politicians are like dogs that aren't housebroken. They will mess on the floor as long as you permit them to get away with it. In the old days there were two ways that problem was dealt with. You housebroke the dog, or if that couldn't be done, you put the dog out of the house forever.

It's time to stop permitting politicians to attempt to tell us when and how we can worship, when we can visit our relatives and what we are permitted to own.


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