Friday, January 6, 2023

Virginia Dad Slams Soros Prosecutor for Prosecuting Concerned Parents More Harshly Than Murderers

 Jon Tigges says Buta Biberaj treated him as a 'political enemy' after he protested a school board meeting

A Virginia father slammed one the commonwealth’s George Soros-backed prosecutors for letting murderers walk free while throwing the book at concerned parents.

Jon Tigges says Loudoun County commonwealth’s attorney Buta Biberaj (D.) targeted him as a "political enemy" after he refused to leave a June 2021 school board meeting on Loudoun County Schools’ controversial transgender bathroom policy. On Wednesday, Tigges was exonerated of the trespassing charge, which Biberaj handled personally. Tigges says her direct involvement in his case shows her mismanaged priorities.

"She has no regard for actual criminals," Tigges told the Washington Free Beacon. "She is saying that I was the one making that room unsafe. She cares about the safety of a principal who stands behind a microphone more than she does a mother who was brutally hammered to death by a dangerous criminal."

Biberaj, who received more than half a million dollars from Soros, has come under fire for her mishandling of multiple murder cases. In 2021, her office released an accused wife-beater who went on to murder his wife with a hammer. Her office also botched two murder cases last fall when a series of mistakes forced them to release the suspects before trial. One of those suspects had to be hunted down later in Georgia; the other is no longer facing charges.

A Loudoun County district court judge dismissed Tigges's case on Wednesday, saying the concerned father acted in good faith that he had a First Amendment right to remain to air his opinion.

A spokesman for Biberaj said the office was "disappointed at the decision."

The judge also said disgraced Loudoun County Schools superintendent Scott Ziegler lacked the authority to declare an unlawful assembly and have parents arrested at the contentious board meeting.

Biberaj also personally sought jail time for Scott Smith, another Loudoun County father who protested the June 2021 school board meeting. Smith’s daughter was allegedly raped in a bathroom by a male student who dressed in girl’s clothes and used the women’s restroom.

Biberaj was kicked off that case in September when a Loudoun County judge cited concerns over Biberaj’s "impartiality." Ziegler and a Loudoun County Public Schools spokesman were both indicted in December for having lied to parents and saying the rape hadn’t occurred.

Reports also found Biberaj was once a member of a closed Facebook group called "Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun," which harassed and doxxed parents who opposed its work in the school district.

The arrests of Tigges and Smith became national headlines and their cases were later cited by the Biden administration as a pretext to potentially charge parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists.

"It was those arrests that allowed Merrick Garland to declare people like myself and Scott domestic terrorists," Tigges said. "And that chilled free speech across the entire country."

The attempt to silence parents’ frustration over radical gender policy became a rallying cry in the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election for Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin, who pledged to empower parents’ role in their child’s education if elected.

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