Tuesday, January 24, 2023


Joe Biden has nominated Nancy Abudu, a far-left activist, to be a federal appellate judge. 

The Senate must reject this radical and dangerous nomination!

Joe Biden has nominated Nancy Abudu, a far-left activist, to be a federal appellate judge. The Senate must reject this radical and dangerous nomination!

On January 3, 2023, Biden formally renominated Abudu to serve as a federal judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. This appeals court covers the states of Alabama, Georgia, and Florida, and besides the Supreme Court, it has the final say in federal litigation. This is a key judicial position.

This is not the first time Biden nominated Abudu. She was also nominated in 2022, but the Senate did not act on her nomination.

Abudu has a history of leftist activism that makes her stand out, even among the other liberal ideologues Biden has appointed to the judiciary. From 2005 to 2019, she worked for the leftist American Civil Liberties Union, first serving in the organization’s “Voting Rights Project” and then becoming the legal director of its Florida chapter.

In 2019, Abudu joined the far-left extremist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), right as the organization was imploding due to a leadership misconduct scandal, as its director for strategic litigation.

According to Abudu, her duties included “overseeing all of the organization’s legal programmatic work which, in addition to voting rights, includes immigrants’ rights, criminal justice reform, children’s rights, LGBTQ rights, and special litigation related to hate groups.” In other words — euphemistic terminology aside — Abudu had a key role in advancing the SPLC’s extremist agenda.

For example, Abudu:Called on Congress to enact the blatantly-unconstitutional John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021.
Advocated for abolishing the Senate filibuster, “to protect the future of American democracy” and implement “majority-rule” in the chamber.

Claimed that laws prohibiting convicted felons from voting are “practically the same system as during slavery.”

Do you want such an individual to be your judge?

The SPLC — which has been exposed as a money-making scam — has a history of smearing conservative and Christian organizations as so-called “hate groups” and/or “conspiracy theorists,” directly equating them with racial supremacists and neo-Nazis. Several organizations and individuals have sued the SPLC for defamation — and won. The John Birch Society is one of the many organizations that the SPLC has smeared. Furthermore, the SPLC — because of its “hate-group” smearing — was responsible for inspiring a 2012 attempted mass shooting at the Family Research Council.

Furthermore, the SPLC takes far-left policy positions. For example, it has promoted Common Core and radical-leftist LGBT propaganda in government schools, and it has smeared opponents of the UN’s Agenda 21/2030.

Unfortunately, despite these radical positions, Big Tech, the mainstream media, and even U.S. federal government agencies such as the FBI work closely with the SPLC and consider it “credible.” Is it any surprise the FBI has routinely targeted and persecuted conservatives?

It is imperative that the U.S. Senate unequivocally reject this extreme and dangerous nominee. Contact your two senators and urge them to stop Nancy Abudu’s nomination to the 11th Circuit.

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