Tuesday, January 31, 2023

New Low! Hunter Biden Withheld Employee's Pay Until She Let Him Watch Her Shower

 New Low! Hunter Biden Withheld Employee's Pay Until She Let Him Watch Her Shower

What’s with the Bidens and their creepy shower activities?

Related: Uh-Oh. Biden’s Daughter Ashley Has a Diary and the Feds Are Investigating

More fun was found on Hunter’s laptop from heaven involving a young assistant Hunter was romanticly involved with.

FACT-O-RAMA! I call it the laptop from heaven, not hell, because it continues to reveal Hunter Biden as a weapons-grade miscreant and his dad sold out the country for mad stacks.

Texts show that Hunter demanded the impecunious coquette FaceTime (FT) him so he could watch her shower and “do what she does when she is alone” if she wanted her pay. Messages show it took him several months to send the woman her wages.

The unnamed woman worked as Hunter’s assistant at his company, Owasco. She tried to contact Hunter when her direct deposit payment of $837.06 didn’t arrive and her insurance was turned down by a dentist. She told Hunter she couldn’t afford to pay her rent.

It appears Hunter failed to pay her for several months.

It took two months for Hunter to send her a paltry $500 — and an apology for “treating her so poorly.” He claimed he had “‘really no money’ due to ‘alimony tuitions and other sh*t like girls insurance etc.'”

PORN-O-RAMA! The woman is 19 years younger than Hunter. Though her name was not released, the Daily Mail claims Hunter’s computer holds pictures and videos of her having sex with Hunter.

Hunter sent more money and then texted, “I will bake [sic] up for back pay. You have to make up for back work. By FTiming me and/or going to our next club party.”

“When can you face time,” the texts continue. “If we FT the rule has to be no talk of anything but sex and we must be naked and we have to do whatever the other person asks within reason.”

Hunter also texted, “Set phone up so I can spy on you showering” and “Show me how you play with yourself.” He proceeded to send her more than $2,700 via Apple Pay between the texts.

Hunter Biden put Hallie Biden — his brother’s widow, with whom Hunter was eerily sleeping — on the Owasco payroll, as well as her sister, Liz Secundy, with whom he also had a sexual affair.

CREEP-TASTIC! Hunter Biden had a shuddersome obsession with “lonely widow” porn.

The woman in question is the fourth employee Hunter was shagging, and the payments made to her over the course of almost two years have drawn the attention of JP Morgan Chase bank, which sent Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) to the Treasury.

In addition to her biweekly pay, she received wired payments of $44,500.08 over four months in 2018, with notes like “new hire,” “10k golf club,” and “8k.”

What have we learned? Though the left attacked Donald Trump, Jr.’s character for four years, Joe Biden’s son Hunter has proven — yet again — to be an executive-level reprobate and an a**-clown of historical proportions. Say what you like about Don Jr., but I’ve never seen his penis. I wish I could say the same for Hunter.


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