Guest Post by Becky Behrends, M.D.
Vice President of Michigan Citizens for Election Integrity (

Let them eat cake? No longer, except for the well-heeled, wealthy elitists of the world.

The mantra going forward is: “Let them eat bugs!”

At the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Siemens chairman Jim Hagemann Snabe called for “one billion people to stop eating meat.”

Snabe, the Danish head of the German industrial manufacturing giant, has pushed for replacing meat with synthetic proteins which are “climate beneficial,” such as algae, seaweed, cacti, and, yes, insects!

All of this would help promote a zero-carbon world and lessen the impact of man-made climate change, supposedly.

Entomophagy is dining on insects. This is common practice; we are admonished in 113 nations.

On the World Economic Forum website, five reasons are given for how eating insects could reduce climate change:

  • edible insects can produce equivalent amounts of quality protein when compared to animals
  • insects require less care and upkeep than livestock
  • we’re actually running out of protein
  • insects are part of a virtuous eco-cycle
  • you can start small and work your way up

They even said: “Don’t knock the chocolate-covered scorpion until you’ve tried it.”

Bill Gates is pushing a new trend to get celebrities to eat bugs. Yep, let’s get this culinary adventure mainstreamed just as the left is trying to mainstream gender fluidity, LGBTQ lifestyle, transgenderism, and critical race theory. If you really want to be part of the In (sect) Crowd, you need to be on this star-studded list. Videos are popping up all over, such as 
“Ten celebrities that Eat Bugs.” You can watch your favorite celebrity eat their bug “du jour.” Helps to lessen your anxiety over the idea, ya know.

In 2017, Angelina Jolie said, “Crickets, you start with crickets. Crickets and a beer, and then you kind of move up to tarantulas.”

The Klaus Schwab-founded World Economic Forum is pushing the concept of the “Great Reset” of capitalism. That includes smacking down the West for its “selfish” carbon footprinting.

Snabe further said:
“If a billion people stop eating meat, I tell you, it has a big impact. Not only does it have a big impact on the current food system, but it will also inspire the innovation of food systems. I predict we will have proteins not coming from meat in the future; they will probably taste even better.”

Keep in mind, as reported on CNBC for the recent Davos WEF 2023 Conference, elite attendees enjoyed the following:

“A private lunch was held at the Hotel Schatzalp, which is primarily accessible by riding a funicular, or tram, up the property, those with knowledge of the gathering explained. An attendee said the gathering took place at the hotel’s Belle Epoque restaurant, with salmon and a beef dish served to participants.”

Meat for me, not for thee!

Bjorn Lomborg, a Danish climate commentator, and author of “False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor and Fails to Fix the Planet” stated that if the average person in the industrialized world eliminated meat from their diet, it would only result in an individual emissions reduction of 4.3%. Also, a “rebound effect” is seen with those on virtue-signaling vegetarian diets; their cash savings from eliminating meat is simply used on other products that drive up carbon emissions.

Some have suggested that a lot of the Germanic “green” political culture is basically a way of justifying the reduction of living standards that results from negative population growth. Instead of causing national unrest, this is a way of channeling it into a sense of virtue. We’re getting poorer, but it’s to save the Earth!

Fine, let them do it. Let’s eat cake. It’s better than beetles!

How many crickets must a man be forced to eat before he picks up his pitchfork and says, enough is enough?

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to assume power and rule over others.