Thursday, January 5, 2023

After Biden pulls air marshals from airliners to do menial work at southern border, al Qaeda reportedly tooling for another 9/11-type attack

 This article is thanks to Mary T Clark

As administration concerns itself with drag queens, pronouns and other "important" matters, al Qaeda reportedly tooling for another 9/11-type attack

l Qaeda planning another 9/11-type attack according to intelligence- pictured: United Flight 175 before it struck the south tower of the World Trade Center, Sept 11, 2001

The following includes editorial content written by a retired Police Chief and current staff writer for Law Enforcement Today.

USA- The United States is ripe for the picking and all of our enemies are taking note.

With a porous southern border, an administration obsessed with transitioning our children, and an incoming Republican House that will prove once again why putting them in charge is a fool’s errand, is it any surprise that reports are coming forth that our old “friends” al Qaeda are considering yet another aerial attack on the United States using our own airliners against us.

According to JD Rucker in Substack, the Department of Homeland Security, as has become a matter of routine from the Biden administration, decided to conduct a news dump Saturday on a holiday weekend warning that the terrorist organization was possibly planning an attack similar to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, according to intelligence sources.

According to the internal memo, al Qaeda is in the process of attracting suicide bombers to man US aircraft, although it is reported they will undertake the attacks using “different strategies and tactics,” the memo said.

As has become expected in this administration, even though the memo was supposed to be an “internal” memo, the DHS had to know the memo would be leaked to the press. However as has also come to be expected, the legacy media buried it. As Rucker reported, a full two days after the memo dropped, not one member of corporate media had reported on it, assumably including Fox News.

However one outlet did drop it…Atlas News, which made a not-so-veiled attack on the CIA in their reporting:

This brings us to the most interesting topic broached in this publication: an insight into how AQ and Human Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi planned and executed the Camp Chapman bombing on December 30th, 2009. Not only did this publication include direct quotes from planners and al-Balawi himself, but it was accompanied by a 30-minute video that purports to show al-Balawi taunting the CIA before carrying out the triple-agent suicide bombing.

The threat comes at a time when the DHS has removed Federal Air Marshals from commercial airliners to the southern border, not to prevent illegal aliens from entering the country but instead to process illegal aliens, including serving meals and other non-security stuff.

That point wasn’t lost on Judicial Watch, which reported on the air marshals new busy work processing Joe Biden’s illegal aliens at the US-Mexico border:

While the nation’s Federal Air Marshals (FAM) are busy on the Mexican border providing illegal immigrants with welfare checks, transportation and other basic services, Al Qaeda is planning attacks in the U.S. involving planes, according to high-level Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sources. Judicial Watch obtained from government sources a copy of the new intelligence alert, which was delivered on December 310, 2022, at 12:23:52 Greenwich Mean Time. The caption of the widely circulated warning reads: “Al-Qaeda says upcoming attacks on US, possibly involving planes, will use new techniques and tactics.”

The threat could not come at a worse time, as the Biden administration leaves aircraft at risk by sending 150-200 FAM monthly to the southern border to help deal with what it calls “a surge in irregular migration.” The deployments will continue indefinitely, according to multiple FAM sources, and the specially trained aviation security specialists are outraged. The agency works under the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which was created after 9/11 to prevent another terrorist attack. FAM is charged with protecting commercial passenger flights by deterring and countering the risk of terrorist activity. Nevertheless, in late October, the Biden administration began deploying highly trained law enforcement officers to busy Border Patrol sectors wo help with hospital watch, transportation, security and welfare checks at migrant facilities.

Judicial Watch continued by noting that the Air Marshal National Council, which represents the air marshals nationwide, had accused TSA Administrator David Pekoske and FAM Director Tirrell Stevenson of acting in violation of federal law and overstepping their authority in transferring air marshals to the southern border.

In a formal complaint to the DHS Inspector General, the group also accused the Homeland Security leaders of fraud, waste, and abuse of authority. Sending air marshals to El Paso, Texas, San Diego, California, Laredo, Texas, McAllen, Texas, Tucson, Arizona, and Yuma, Arizona to transport illegal immigrants and conduct welfare checks has no relation to TSA’s core mission of transportation security, the complaint states:

“The statute does not give the Administrator any authority to deploy TSA or FAM employees to the southern border to perform non transportation security related matters,” the complaint to the DHS IG reads. “Further, under section (g) the statute describes what the Administrators authority is if an emergency, as defined by the Secretary of Homeland Security is declared.”

The letter further makes it clear that the legislative intent authorizing the air marshal program allows TSA “to exercise authority and deploy its assets for transportation security.”

Judicial Watch wrote that when the Air Marshal National Council learned of the latest threat from al Qaeda, they sent a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, as well as Pekoske and Stevenson, advising the three that by sending the air marshals to the southern border, their actions were “reckless and putting the nation at extreme risk.

We are once again requesting you immediately stop these dangerous and unnecessary deployments and let our FAMs do what the American taxpayers pay them to do, protect and defend our transportation system,” the letter reads. “We have to ask how can you justify sending FAMS to the border in huge numbers, when the border is in your words secure, and there is no emergency? Yet we have major security incidents happening right now affecting our aviation security.”

Meanwhile, Sonya Hightower-LaBosco, who is a retired federal air marshal who currently serves as executive director of the Air Marshal National Council, confirmed the air marshals are still being pulled off flights at a rate of around 200 per month and directed to the southern border.

“They are making sandwiches for them and driving them around like Uber or picking up supplies,” she told Judicial Watch on New Year’s Day. Meanwhile, the head of the council, David Londo said redeploying air marshals to the southern border is “insane,” especially after the recent threat from al Qaeda

“Either they don’t care about aviation security, or they really think it is secure,” Londo said.

What’s the definition of insanity again? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Insanity, meet the Biden administration.

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