Monday, December 5, 2022

Turning Cats into Sheep: The Mafiosi Tactics of the Medical Council of New Zealand

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia

Global Research, December 05, 2022

Years ago as the head of a fairly large group of psychoanalytic psychiatrists in Philadelphia, a group that had formed in response to the inroads of managed care – inroads that actually kept patients from the insurance benefits to which they were entitled, among other things – the old adage about herding cats was often in the air. Physicians were generally stubbornly independent and they tended to resist any attempts to impose uniformity, even when in agreement with a common mission.

After three years of the Corona War here in New Zealand, it turns out that getting the more than twenty thousand practicing physicians to bury their consciences and keep mum about the Hippocratic Oath, informed consent, the benefits of medically treating patients with Covid before they became sick enough to go to hospital, and the utter uselessness of masks, one of the principal tools of propaganda wielded by the Ministry of Health here and elsewhere around the world, has been very very easy.

Any doctor who dares to question the government’s Covid policies, no matter how irrational or destructive these policies have been, is in danger of losing his or her license to practice medicine, all thanks to the zealous Medical Council of New Zealand.

Because I had voiced my concerns about the Ministry of Health’s management of Covid in letters and in several videos in 2020 and 2021, when it came time for my license to be renewed I was informed that it had been suspended. Colleagues who espoused similar concerns were also targeted. The message was loud and clear: if you question the jab or discuss actual treatment and prevention, you’ll be jeopardizing your license and your livelihood.

Doctors had been given particularly explicit instructions to toe the line regarding ‘vaccination’. In a ‘guidance statement’ issued by the Medical and Dental Councils of New Zealand, we were warned that ‘there is no place for anti-vaccination messages in professional health practice, nor any promotion of anti-vaccination claims including on social media and advertising by health practitioners.’

To date, as far as I can gather, some twenty doctors have made it into the crosshairs of the Medical Council. Some have signed ‘voluntary undertakings’ as they protest suspensions or fight against ‘professional conduct complaints’, and these undertakings have amounted to gag orders.

I recently learned that this process has taken a particularly sinister and cruelly absurd turn: some of these doctors are now being required to agree not to obtain or prescribe Ivermectin, should they wish to retain their licenses.

Despite the growing mountain of evidence attesting to the safety and efficacy of Ivermectin; despite the officially acknowledged’ right of doctors to prescribe any unrestricted medication on the pharmaceutical schedule here in New Zealand for any condition for which such medication might be useful; despite the backhanded admission by the FDA that their vigorous opposition to Ivermectin was merely a recommendation; despite the fact that in some areas of the world Ivermectin has been made an over-the-counter agent available without prescription – despite all common and ethical sense, the Medical Council persists in a mission of suppression, denigration and control.

If anything this Council and the associated professional colleges such as the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) should be rewarding those physicians who have shown fidelity to the core principles of their profession and who have pursued the rational course of helping their patients.

The MCNZ is part of a Mafia, a Mafia run by a capo that goes by the name of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB). As I have shown elsewhere, and as my colleague Dr. Bruce Dooley has revealed in a compelling interview with New Zealander Liz Gunn, the FSMB appears to be calling the shots. Although it is a private non-governmental entity, it has inveigled its way into a position of exceptional power over the State boards of medicine in the United States and then, after forming the International Association of Medical Regulatory Agencies (IAMRA) in 1994, over medical councils around the world.  The Chair-Elect of the IAMRA is none other than the current CEO of the Medical Council of New ZealandShe is, therefore, a paid employee of the FSMB/IAMRA, and I am certain she is not making peanuts. Furthermore, none other than Curtis Walker, the current Chair of the MCNZ, serves on the FSMB Workgroup on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Medical Regulation and Patient Care.

The FSMB has made it very clear that spreading Covid-19 vaccine ‘misinformation’ would put a practitioner’s license at risk. They find it ‘troubling’ that in the United States legislation has been introduced that would limit state medical boards’ disciplinary authority with respect to the ostensible threat of disinformation and would enhance the availability of Ivermectin.

Journalists and investigators are thankfully now exposing the role of this organisation, whose donors are cloaked in secrecy, and its henchmen: for further information see articles by Suzanne Berdick here and here, Tessa Lena here and here, and Dr. Meryl Nass here.

Out of the twenty thousand doctors on the Medical Council’s register, only a few hundred have joined New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science, who advocate fidelity to the pillars of their profession in the face of a seemingly incomprehensible subversion of ethical medical practice promulgated by a government and its ministries who, from the outset, claimed that the only solution to the so-called pandemic was universal inoculation.  And many more doctors who share our concerns – in private – have remained in the shadows out of fear.

If a mere five percent of these twenty thousand had listened to their better senses and opposed the senseless imposition of a gene-altering agent that is maiming and killing people; if this five percent had actively advocated for early treatment and natural immunity and healthy living and not succumbed to fear; if this five percent dared to demonstrate publicly the great harms of locking people down and masking them up … then maybe, just maybe, the Mafia could be run out of town.

Doubtless there are greater forces who are using the FSMB as their tool, but the work of cleaning out criminal rot has to start somewhere.

Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

Turning Cats into Sheep: The Mafiosi Tactics of the Medical Council of New Zealand - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

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