The Democrat-controlled House Ways and Means Committee released several years worth of former President Donald Trump’s tax returns, and what sticks out most is that Trump’s wealth didn’t increase while he was in office, unlike so many politicians:

From CNN:

Six years of Donald Trump’s federal tax returns released on Friday show the former president paid very little in federal income taxes the first and last year of his presidency, claiming huge losses that helped limit his tax bill, among other revelations.

The returns, long shrouded in secrecy, were released to the public on Friday by the House Ways and Means Committee, the culmination of a battle over their disclosure that went to the Supreme Court. They confirm a report issued from the Joint Committee on Taxation that Trump claimed large losses before and throughout his presidency that he carried forward to reduce or practically eliminate his tax burden. For example, his returns show that he carried forward a $105 million loss in 2015 and $73 million in 2016.

Basically so far it looks like Trump’s attorneys simply took advantage of the tax laws as they’re written just like every other rich person (even the one Biden’s staying with at St. Croix). Combine that with the January 6th Committee formally withdrawing their subpoena of Trump and you’d think that might be dampening the TDS-driven enthusiasm of people like Rob Reiner, but the director/actor obviously isn’t allowing reality to interfere with his dreams:

Reiner’s ability to keep his hopes up for years on end is truly remarkable.

LOL. That about sums it up.
