Friday, November 25, 2022

Eric Swalwell SO triggered by Ted Cruz’s dig at #FangFang he goes after Heidi Cruz and WHAT an a-hole

 Takes a small, small man to use Heidi Cruz while trying to trash Ted. And Eric Swalwell is JUST the small, small man for the job.

Seems the only representative to ever fart so publicly on national television didn’t appreciate Ted Cruz joking about his Communist Chinese girlfriend. What other reason would he have to get this angry about a dig at him about affording Chinese dinners? Yes, inflation is crazy high, people are truly struggling to get by, and Ted’s point is fair. It’s just a joke, Smells-not-so-well, no need to get your britches all bunched up.

And to drag his wife into it?

Serious A-HOLE move but what else do we expect from the guy who once threatened to nuke Americans for disagreeing with their government?


Then he followed it up with this:

Gosh, he’s wrong here as well. Five million MORE people voted for Republicans than Democrats so … yeah. Guess the majority support Ted and his ‘insurrectionist pals,’ whatever the Hell that means.

And please, if Eric ever came across an actual, real fight he’d run away like nobody’s business. Spare us.

Eric can’t handle much of anything. Just sayin’.


Womp womp wompity womp womp womp.

Trying to drag Heidi into it? With the tag? Seriously obnoxious.

We hear the Chinese pay well.


Snagged mainly for the phrase ‘horny interactions’.


Hey, nobody ever claimed we’re the mature ones around here.


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