Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Climate fanatics target airports

The climate fanatics of the Last Generation are no longer an annoying nuisance but have become a danger to life and limb due to the benevolent approval of Germany's spy chief Thomas Haldenwang. Their actions are increasingly radical, on the verge of terrorism aimed at airports and concert halls.

November 30, 2022 Climate fanatics target airports (

After months of bringing traffic to a standstill with their absurd road blockades, hampering rescue operations and keeping people from going to work, they made their way to Berlin Airport BER for the first time last week, where they glued themselves to the runway.

Air traffic had to be halted, five take-offs canceled and 15 planned landings diverted. Arriving planes were diverted to Leipzig, Hanover or Dresden, others had to fly in holding patterns. The police eventually removed the “activists”. According to the airport operator, 750 passengers were affected.

Massive danger to life and limb

Apart from the damage in the millions, this protest could have ended in a catastrophe, for example if flights with transplanted organs had not been able to land. After the action, the entire airport area had to be searched for dangerous objects to prevent them from endangering take-offs and landings.

Five men and one woman between the ages of 20 and 32 managed to get into the airport of a European capital and also filmed the whole thing calmly. Even though they were arrested, five of them have already been released.

They are being investigated for, among other things, dangerous interference with air traffic, disruption of public services, trespassing and property damage.

The incident throws another spotlight on the ridiculous security measures of an ailing state that can now be abused on by anyone. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser and other politicians, many of whom otherwise openly sympathize with the climate extremists, condemned the airport action, but no actual measures against the transgression were announced.

Also targeting concert halls

The airport action was not the only action taken by the Green activists. On the eve of the airport attack, the climate fanatics had glued themselves to the conductor’s podium at the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie shortly before the start of a concert.

In doing so, however, in addition to their fanaticism, they also demonstrated pitiful stupidity: the pole to which they had attached themselves could be removed effortlessly and removed from the hall to loud cheers from the exasperated audience.

Admittedly, it gave many people the impression that the activists were ultimately harmless idiots. Nevertheless, the danger that they pose has been massively downplayed. Because even idiots are able to harm others.

Unlimited understanding for fanatics

After the fiasco in Hamburg, the Berlin Philharmonic announced: “We live in the midst of the climate crisis. Actions that show grievances in dealing with the crisis must and should be possible in an opinion-free and democratic society.” The “activists” pose “no personal or physical danger to the visitors”.

Against this background, it is no wonder that the climate sects rightly assume that they can get away with anything. In fact, they have been emboldened. In the delusion of being the last generation that can still prevent the supposedly impending climate catastrophe, they believe that they can or even have to break every law and endanger human lives because their noble goal justifies every sacrifice, of course only from others.

The German domestic spy boss Thomas Haldenwang, was not ashamed to publicly admit that he could not see “that this group was directed against the free democratic basic order, and in this respect it is not an object of observation”. The group does commit crimes, “but committing crimes does not make this group extremist”.

Rather, the Last Generation shows “how much they actually respect this system”. Such statements have left citizens stunned – and the “activists” delighted.

Feeble pushback

The Interior Ministers of Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia, Joachim Herrmann (CSU) and Herbert Reul (CDU), have contradicted Haldenwang statements that the activists are “not extremist”.

Herrmann told the Bild newspaper: “I can’t see any ‘special respect’ for our democratic system here”. He also said the climate fanatics were sowing “chaos” because they did not respect the law. Reul made a similar statement to the newspaper.

In large cities in particular, the group regularly blocks commuter traffic, damages works of art, disrupts public events and sabotages oil pipelines. A spokeswoman recently announced that she would start “training” new members.

They demand that their wishes be implemented, even if there is no democratic majority for this. Before the general election, they had called for the creation of an unelected body that would bypass parliament and government to enforce climate protection measures.

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