Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Climate fanatics target airports

The climate fanatics of the Last Generation are no longer an annoying nuisance but have become a danger to life and limb due to the benevolent approval of Germany's spy chief Thomas Haldenwang. Their actions are increasingly radical, on the verge of terrorism aimed at airports and concert halls.

November 30, 2022 Climate fanatics target airports (

After months of bringing traffic to a standstill with their absurd road blockades, hampering rescue operations and keeping people from going to work, they made their way to Berlin Airport BER for the first time last week, where they glued themselves to the runway.

Air traffic had to be halted, five take-offs canceled and 15 planned landings diverted. Arriving planes were diverted to Leipzig, Hanover or Dresden, others had to fly in holding patterns. The police eventually removed the “activists”. According to the airport operator, 750 passengers were affected.

Massive danger to life and limb

Apart from the damage in the millions, this protest could have ended in a catastrophe, for example if flights with transplanted organs had not been able to land. After the action, the entire airport area had to be searched for dangerous objects to prevent them from endangering take-offs and landings.

Five men and one woman between the ages of 20 and 32 managed to get into the airport of a European capital and also filmed the whole thing calmly. Even though they were arrested, five of them have already been released.

They are being investigated for, among other things, dangerous interference with air traffic, disruption of public services, trespassing and property damage.

The incident throws another spotlight on the ridiculous security measures of an ailing state that can now be abused on by anyone. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser and other politicians, many of whom otherwise openly sympathize with the climate extremists, condemned the airport action, but no actual measures against the transgression were announced.

Also targeting concert halls

The airport action was not the only action taken by the Green activists. On the eve of the airport attack, the climate fanatics had glued themselves to the conductor’s podium at the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie shortly before the start of a concert.

In doing so, however, in addition to their fanaticism, they also demonstrated pitiful stupidity: the pole to which they had attached themselves could be removed effortlessly and removed from the hall to loud cheers from the exasperated audience.

Admittedly, it gave many people the impression that the activists were ultimately harmless idiots. Nevertheless, the danger that they pose has been massively downplayed. Because even idiots are able to harm others.

Unlimited understanding for fanatics

After the fiasco in Hamburg, the Berlin Philharmonic announced: “We live in the midst of the climate crisis. Actions that show grievances in dealing with the crisis must and should be possible in an opinion-free and democratic society.” The “activists” pose “no personal or physical danger to the visitors”.

Against this background, it is no wonder that the climate sects rightly assume that they can get away with anything. In fact, they have been emboldened. In the delusion of being the last generation that can still prevent the supposedly impending climate catastrophe, they believe that they can or even have to break every law and endanger human lives because their noble goal justifies every sacrifice, of course only from others.

The German domestic spy boss Thomas Haldenwang, was not ashamed to publicly admit that he could not see “that this group was directed against the free democratic basic order, and in this respect it is not an object of observation”. The group does commit crimes, “but committing crimes does not make this group extremist”.

Rather, the Last Generation shows “how much they actually respect this system”. Such statements have left citizens stunned – and the “activists” delighted.

Feeble pushback

The Interior Ministers of Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia, Joachim Herrmann (CSU) and Herbert Reul (CDU), have contradicted Haldenwang statements that the activists are “not extremist”.

Herrmann told the Bild newspaper: “I can’t see any ‘special respect’ for our democratic system here”. He also said the climate fanatics were sowing “chaos” because they did not respect the law. Reul made a similar statement to the newspaper.

In large cities in particular, the group regularly blocks commuter traffic, damages works of art, disrupts public events and sabotages oil pipelines. A spokeswoman recently announced that she would start “training” new members.

They demand that their wishes be implemented, even if there is no democratic majority for this. Before the general election, they had called for the creation of an unelected body that would bypass parliament and government to enforce climate protection measures.

Here’s Klaus Schwab’s Latest Plan to Make Your Life Miserable

Make no mistake about it, the social insects leading the World Economic Forum do not sleep. 

They’re committed to imposing globalist tyranny on the unsuspecting masses of the world. 

Technocratic robots like Klaus Schwab view themselves as part of an anointed class that is above the unruly peons. 

He believes that his vision of the world trumps all the concerns and misgivings coming from the rabble.

Schwab and his globalist cronies want to build an unaccountable bureaucratic structure that enables them to lord over vast swathes of the globe.

The Great Reset gang would look like nothing more than to micromanage people’s affairs and impoverish them…all while they live like kings .

That’s how these parasitic elites operate. 

They will stop at nothing to subject us to their technocratic fantasies.

These people must ultimately be stopped. But achieving this won’t be a walk in the park. 

To defeat the Great Reset agenda, people will need to get educated to know what they’re going up against. 

And there’s no better place to receive a world class education on the latest globalist schemes than George Gammon’s Rebel Capitalist channel. 

Make sure to check out his latest video exposing Klaus Schwab to learn why the Great Reset agenda is alive and well. 

Attain this forbidden knowledge here

—Team Rebel Capitalist

Montana AG Concerned UPS and FedEx Working With Biden Admin to Track American Gun Owners

Montana’s top law official is concerned that shipping giants UPS and FedEx are working with the Biden administration to bypass laws that bar the federal government from creating a national database of American gun owners, according to a copy of a letter sent to the companies on Tuesday and exclusively obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Republican Montana attorney general Austin Knudsen alleges that new shipping guidelines allow UPS and FedEx "to track firearm sales with unprecedented specificity and bypass warrant requirements to share that information with federal agencies." The letter, signed by Knudsen and 16 other state attorneys general, says the altered shipping guidelines force licensed firearm dealers into providing detailed information about purchasers who are receiving items through the mail. The letter does not have explicit proof that the shipping giants are sharing information with federal agencies but cites conversations between state officials and licensed firearm dealers who claim they were forced to comply with these regulations.

By requiring firearms dealers to provide an unprecedented level of information about their clients, the shipping companies may be giving "federal agencies a workaround to normal warrant requirements," the letter states. This ultimately allows them "to provide information at will or upon request to federal agencies—information detailing which Americans are buying what guns." The state officials are asking UPS and FedEx to provide them with information about any recent rule changes and disclose any role the federal government played in the matter.

Knudsen, in an interview with the Free Beacon, said he is concerned UPS and FedEx may be coordinating with the Biden administration to circumvent a ban on the creation of a federal gun owner database. Sources who spoke with Knudsen’s office, he said, indicated the Biden administration’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms "told [the companies] they have to do this." The ATF is already facing scrutiny at the state level and on Capitol Hill for storing nearly one billion records detailing Americans’ firearm purchases, the Free Beacon first reported in January. The alleged rule change by FedEx and UPS, Knudsen said, could be part of an effort by the government to track American firearm owners amid a nationwide uptick in gun crimes.

"This to me looks like another back alley attempt to get around specific legislation and laws so ATF can say, ‘We’re not keeping track; it’s these companies keeping track,’" Knudsen said, adding that these guidelines could violate his state’s consumer protection laws. "We see this over and over again from this administration: When they can’t pass legislation, they turn around to their buddies in private business and try to get their agenda done that way."

UPS and FedEx, the attorneys general allege, require federal licensed firearm dealers, known as FFLs, "to create three separate shipping accounts: one for firearms, one for firearm parts, and one for all other firearm-related products. Under this three-tier system, gun sellers cannot mix and match shipments, which reveals to your company whether they are shipping a gun, gun part, or a gun-related item."

Sellers are also allegedly required to retain all documents related to specific items they shipped and to make that information available to the shipping company upon request.

"These demands, in tandem, allow [UPS and FedEx] to create a database of American gun purchasers and determine exactly what items they purchased," the letter states.

Both shipping companies, the officials write, have agreed to comply with information requests from law enforcement and other government bodies, even when those requests are "inconsistent with applicable laws, rules, and regulations," according to the letter.

A FedEx spokeswoman disputed the characterization of their new guidelines. In September 2021, the spokeswoman said, the company implemented a "firearms shipping compliance program" that requires licensed firearms dealers to "enter into a FedEx Firearms shipping Compliance Agreement." This agreement requires packages containing firearms be sent from a specifically designated account and directed only to those with a Federal Firearm License. The guidelines are meant to ensure the company adheres "to applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations." When asked if this information could be shared with the federal government, the spokeswoman said that "FedEx will comply with any legal obligation that it has to provide information to law enforcement or other appropriate government officials."

The state officials want UPS and FedEx to provide them with internal documents and communications about the alleged rule changes within 30 days, including any information about whether they enacted "these policies with the goal of information sharing with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) or any other federal agency." This includes the names of any federal official who may have been in touch with the shipping companies.

The letter also recommends the two shipping firms undertake efforts "to limit potential liability moving forward, including the immediate cessation of any existing warrantless information sharing with federal agencies about gun shipments."

Knudsen said the preliminary reports he is getting from firearms dealers in his state create the impression that UPS and FedEx are creating "their own private tracking system so that these two companies can keep track of what’s being shipped to whom." That, he said, "sure looks and smells to me like they’re trying to get around the Fourth Amendment," which prohibits unlawful searches and seizures.

"You’re giving away citizens’ private information on what kinds of products, what firearms they’re buying specifically," Knudsen said. "We know what they’re going to do with it: They’re going to hand it over to the ATF the first chance they get."

UPS and the ATF did not respond to requests for comment.

Government Regulatory Agency Dictatorship – How the US federal agencies are armed-to-the-teeth for the war against Americans

(Natural News) The FDA, FBI, CIA, DHS, EPA, USDA, and IRS are now fully geared up with assault weapons and millions of rounds of ammunition, thanks to the Obama and Biden Regimes, ready to battle Americans to the death over their food, land, crops, and yes, unpaid income taxes. Got some food the government wants to seize to send to starving kids in Ukraine? The FDA and USDA have swat teams that can function under NDAA, and come take your food and seize your land at any time, for any length of time (thanks Obama).

Got an opinion that doesn’t fit the narrative you see on fake news? The FDA and CIA have armed teams that can show up at your house before sunrise, and take you away like a terrorist, in front of your kids, and detain you for as long as they want (think anyone who even came near the Capital building or talked about it on January 6th, 2020). The Government Regulatory Agency Dictatorship now functions like an arm of the military, ready to attack Americans and further fund the CCP-led Biden Regime.

The IRS is a military-style enforcement agency and Americans who owe taxes will be treated as major threats and domestic terrorists

According to the gun-grabbing Democrats and Communists running Washington DC and all the regulatory agencies right now, any American who did not vote for Democrats is a domestic terrorist who must be dealt with accordingly. Do you support Trump and the Constitution? You are a domestic terrorist. Do you owe any back taxes? Expect an IRS swat team kicking in your door soon. Did you say or post anything about election fraud in the past 2 years? You must be a Russian spy or a White Supremacist – off to the DC Gulags you go to be abused daily.

Get ready for GRAD, the Government Regulatory Agency Dictatorship, to assault millions of Americans into total submission and police-state slavery

Remember Bernie Sanders and his campaign talked about taxing Americans at 70 percent to begin installing socialism? How do you think most Americans would succumb and pay that exorbitant amount of income tax? The easiest way to enforce it would be to first take away everyone’s guns, starting with automatic weapons (and millions of rounds of ammunition), and the very ones that the government regulatory agency dictatorship is buying en masse as you read this.

Yes, there will be 87,000 new IRS agents, many of whom are taking target practice at human-looking targets so they will be conditioned to kill people who owe money (or don’t owe but the Democrats claim they do). This has been going on for some time, where IRS agents prepare to engage American taxpayers at gunpoint, and the agents will have the automatic weapons in their hands that the Democrats say are such a danger for civilians to own. Follow the bouncing ball, patriots.

The fake Inflation Reduction Act is for spending billions on fake climate control and an IRS swat-task-force of 87,000 agents that will enforce new ‘tea taxes’ that are intolerable, and at gunpoint. They’re really beefing up, because they will be eyeing conservatives, patriots, business owners, land owners, and Trump supporters first and foremost. Get ready for the biggest shakedown of Americans ever. As inflation soars, the ‘resistance’ is growing, and the Demon Democrats know it.

The government regulatory agencies are stockpiling firearms, including rifles, shotguns, and millions of rounds of ammunition, literally becoming stronger and better equipped than the current arms of our military, especially since the Biden Regime began sending every extra dollar and weapon we have to the highly corrupt Ukraine.

Keep your truth news in check by adding  to your favorites list and tuning in daily for updates on real news about the surviving and thriving in the near future, and news that’s being scrubbed from MSM and social media as you read this.

Sources for this article include:

Senator Kennedy Makes Up a New Word to Summarize Biden's Energy Policy


Amid President Biden and his administration's war on cheap and reliable American energy, the inexplicable decision to make a deal with Venezuela to allow oil to be drilled there and sent to the United States — despite the fact that Biden has been working to block oil drilling in the United States. 

The move, in addition to making no sense, is also — by Biden's standards — needlessly bad for the environment. We have oil in the United States that would not require international transport to reach the American market, but Biden won't allow pipelines or drilling to do so. 

Instead, he's allowing drilling in Venezuela that will require a transport across more than 2,000 miles to reach the United States with increased risk to wildlife and water quality along the route than if the oil was drilled, refined, and transported within the United States. 

Joining Fox News on Wednesday morning to sound off on Biden's confounding energy policy, Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana put things in terms only he can.  

"I used to have a beagle named Roger, and Roger was a rascal," Kennedy noted. "About every two weeks, Roger would run off — he'd always come back — but about half the time he'd come back dragging roadkill that he would hide under my back porch," he explained. "President Biden's energy policy looks like something Roger used to keep under my back porch."

"It is a fact that America has the greatest, the strongest, economy in all of human history," Kennedy continued. "We can't run it without fossil fuels — not today not tomorrow. It is also a fact that, through reserves and technology, America can produce every drop of oil and natural gas that we need and have extra left over to sell to our friends," he reminded.

"That presents a problem to President Biden because he has embraced the woke or berserk wing of the Democrat Party, and woke ideology says we need to get rid of oil and gas in the United States," Kennedy explained of his radical counterparts in Congress. 

"So President Biden has developed a new energy policy and it is this: Instead of producing at a cheaper cost our own oil and gas in America, we're going to buy oil from foreign countries that hate us — in this case Venezuela — so those foreign countries will have more money to buy weapons to try to kill us. It's a moronathon," Kennedy quipped of Biden and his party's energy policy. 

"The incongruity in all of this is that we could get rid of all oil and gas in America tomorrow, and it would not lower world temperatures a scintilla of a degree because China and India and Sub-Saharan Africa and South America are going to continue to use fossil fuels and emit CO2," Kennedy noted of Democrats' quixotic campaign to ruin the U.S. economy to achieve a "climate" goal that won't actually save the planet.

"It also adds to inflation, this new policy of the president's," Kennedy added. "It results in an increase in the price of oil and natural gas so, when a honeybun costs you $20, you can thank President Biden for that too."

Death of Former CCP Leader Spurs Calls for Regime to Be Held Accountable for Atrocities


The death of former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin, who unleashed one of the bloodiest campaigns against a faith group in modern history, has brought fresh calls from rights advocates to hold the Chinese regime accountable for its widespread abuses.

Jiang, who rose to power after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, presided over the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1993 to 2003. Though his influence within the Party persisted for many years after he formally stepped down.

His death on Nov. 30 of leukemia and multiple organ failure has put into focus Beijing’s atrocities, according to China critics and human rights advocates, who consider the former leader’s chief legacy as the architect of an array of human rights abuses that continue to threaten the basic rights of millions in China today.

“Jiang Zemin died a butcher in shame,” Chen Yonglin, a former political consul at the Chinese consulate in Sydney who defected to Australia in 2005, told The Epoch Times.

Bloody Suppression

Among the human rights community, Jiang is best known for his launching of the nationwide persecution targeting the spiritual group Falun Gong—a suppression campaign that continues today.

During the 1990s, the discipline, which involves meditative exercises and moral teachings based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, surged in popularity leading to an estimated 100 million practitioners in China. This popularity was deemed a threat to Jiang’s authoritarian rule.

The 18th CPC National Congress - Opening Ceremony
Jiang Zemin at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Nov. 8, 2012. 

In 1999, Jiang created a Gestapo-like organization called the 610 Office that overrode China’s legal framework to carry out the expansive eradication campaign. In the years following, adherents became targets of a sweeping hate campaign, and millions suffered imprisonment and torture in Chinese labor camps, jails, drug rehabilitation centers, and psychiatric wards.

International investigators have concluded that there was widespread forced organ harvesting of detained Falun Gong practitioners under the regime’s orders, which started in the early 2000s and still persists.

The official eulogy on Chinese state media credited Jiang’s role in quelling the Tiananmen protests of 1989 and described his death as an inestimable loss to the Party. But Chen, who personally witnessed the bloody massacre in Beijing in 1989 and lost his father during the 10-year Cultural Revolution that wrecked the country in the previous decade, came away with a different understanding.

“The Chinese Communist Party is a crime syndicate, and he is the helmsman,” he said. “He has a mountain of blood debts on him.”

Beginning of the End?

For Erping Zhang, a spokesperson for the Falun Dafa Information Center, Jiang’s death offered a window for reflection.

While it may provide a source comfort to dissidents and victims from the suppression under his reign, the news also marks a lost opportunity to bring him to justice, he said.

For Jiang’s ardent followers in China, it might now be the time to stand with what’s right, Zhang added.

The former leader’s death came at a turbulent time when the Communist Party faces its stiffest challenge in decades.

Epoch Times Photo
Protesters march against China’s harsh COVID-19 restrictions in Beijing on Nov. 28, 2022.

Over the past week, protests broke out in more than a dozen Chinese cities calling for an end to the regime’s draconian zero-COVID policy, with some demonstrators going so far as to call for the ruling party to step down.

To Zhang, the developments remind him of what has typically occurred on the eve of a dynastic change over the course of China’s long history. At those times, the country is divided and hostility mounts from all sides.

“When the persecution of Falun Gong first started, the target was about 100 million,” he said citing the estimates at the time.

“Some people shied away because they thought it had nothing to do with them,” Zhang added, speaking of Chinese people at the time.

“But then they went after Christians, the human rights lawyers, and Xinjiang Uyghurs. Now the zero-COVID policy touches everyone,” he said. “No one is left out.”

Chen’s view is no different.

“The CCP has fallen from the peak of its power and is now in a precarious spot,” he said, believing that Jiang’s death could be a prelude to the regime’s eventual downfall.

But death should not mark the end of accountability, Chen said. Sooner or later, he expects to see the “accounts settled”—with Jiang and the CCP.

Woman Decapitated in “House of Horrors” Philadelphia Home; Police Arrest Ahmad Shareef in Brutal Killing

Reports state the murder was domestic violence. Neighbors said multiple children and adults lived in the house and that it was the scene of “constant drama” with police called there many times. One said it was a “house of horrors.”

Initial police report according to WTXF-TV reporter Steve Keeley.

Keeley noted Christmas lights on a timer came on the crime scene home Tuesday night.

Keeley interviewed neighbors:

Excerpt from KYW-TV report:

Neighbors are disturbed learning the details about the alleged incident. 

“The yellow house, it’s the worst house on the block. Now it’s like a house of horrors,” Nyjha Richardson said.

Beyond the Christmas Grinch in the front yard, and holiday lights and inside the home in the 300 block of Magee Avenue, is a gruesome crime scene.

…Investigators say Shareef ran from the home covered in blood and was found inside bushes several blocks away near Rising Sun Avenue and Robbins Street in Lawncrest.

According to police, the suspect called family members and told them what happened and admitted he needed his medicine. 

“Constant, constant drama for this house,” Richardson said.

Neighbors tell CBS3 multiple adults and children live in the home, and police have been called about it many times.

More from the Philadelphia Inquirer (excerpt):

A nearby resident who asked not to be identified said the occupants were Syrian immigrants who moved in about seven years ago and were welcomed by neighbors, but soon the house became a constant source of chaos, mainly involving men arguing or fighting. 

In one year, the police responded to the house a couple of dozen times, the resident said, but the situation calmed down slightly in recent years. The resident described Al Raheel as friendly but quiet, possibly because she was not an English speaker.

Online court records show that Shareef agreed to plead guilty in 2015 for a disorderly conduct arrest that occurred the year prior.

In 2016, Shareef was charged with driving under the influence. The case was not resolved and there remains an active bench warrant for Shareef, court records show.

2nd Grade Student Suddenly Dies, Kids Struggling to Concentrate Post-Vaccination Alberta schoolteachers break their silence on what they're witnessing after the shots.

An epidemic of sudden death by “unknown cause” is taking effect in Canada. It has overtaken dementia and heart disease to become Alberta’s top killer. And after doctors have had to comply — or else to strict vaccine mandates, 93 Canadian physicians have now succumbed to sudden death.


But it’s not just doctors who are dying.

Canadian doctor William Makis reported heavy-hearted news while speaking to Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson.

It’s not just doctors who are dying suddenly or unexpectedly. Of course, doctors are the most vaccinated young people. Most of them have had four shots, even five shots. They have to be fully vaccinated to be able to work. But it’s other professions that are seeing sudden deaths as well. We’re seeing it in nurses. We’re seeing it in paramedics, police, firefighters — but now we’re even seeing it in teachers.

I’ve recently been contacted by an Alberta teacher who wishes to remain anonymous, but this individual told me that they’ve just lost a grade 2 student in their school. They’ve just lost suddenly — sudden death. They’ve also lost a teacher in their 30s — also sudden death, sudden cardiac death. And they are panicking.

For them, this is unprecedented. And they’ve reached out to me, and they said they’ve been silent. They’ve been silent up to now, but they’re seeing sudden deaths. They’re seeing injuries, kids are getting immune reactions — asthma. They’re having all kinds of reactions; they can’t concentrate in class. Kids can’t concentrate in class after the vaccination. So this is really, really worrying. And teachers are now starting to reach out to me and tell me what they’re seeing in the classrooms.
We’re seeing sudden death at rates we’ve never before — but we’re also seeing these strange, white clots.

MORE NEWS: Biden Tells Crowd Not To Hesitate To Correct Him When He Makes Mistakes – Internet, Do Your Thing

“And the data just keeps growing and growing with respect to these clots and things that we’re seeing,” commented Laura-Lynn. “Absolutely,” replied Makis.

Now there’s a new movie out that’s going viral called ‘Died Suddenly’ — produced by Stew Peters. And it’s got over 10 million views on rumble. And they’re showing these bizarre clots that are forming in people who’ve died following the vaccination. It’s not just regular blood clots. It’s these long, rubbery, white-grayish blood clots that look like rubber bands or calamari.

And there’s actually research that’s been done on this. Scientists have taken blood — they’ve exposed it to the spike protein, and they saw, right away, the blood starts clumping almost immediately. As soon as it’s exposed to the spike protein, [it] starts clumping immediately.

Then you start getting all these proteins getting built into the blood clots — these amyloid proteins that make amyloid fibrils, and you end up with these long, long clots very firm, very rubbery. And the body cannot degrade these clots. So the body is unable to break these clots down, and when people are put on blood thinners, the blood thinners don’t work. So doctors are discovering that regular blood thinners don’t actually work on these clots.

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This is really worrisome information. If you’d like more info on how to help you or someone you love detox the spike protein out of the body, the World Council for Health’s guide is a great place to start.

Biden Rewards Palestinians for Terrorism, Incitement


Trump Media and partner on ETF offerings

  The ETFs and SMAs offered by Trump Media and are expected to launch later this year Trump Media & Technology Group announce...