Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Russia to Call for UN Investigation of US Biolabs in Ukraine

Russia will call for an investigation of US biological labs in Ukraine at the meeting of the UN Security council tomorrow, October 27, TASS reports.

According a draft proposal obtained by TASS, Russia will urge the UN Security Council to “set up a commission consisting of all members of the Security Council to investigate into the claims against the US and Ukraine contained in the complaint of the Russian Federation regarding the compliance with obligations under the [Biological Weapons] Convention in the context of the activities biological laboratories in the territory of Ukraine,” and present a report by 30 November 2022.

In June, the Pentagon acknowledged the US supported “46 civilian laboratories and health care centers in Ukraine over the past 20 years as part of peaceful programs” in a “Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries.

“Ukraine has no biological, nuclear or chemical weapons programs,” the Pentagon stated.

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Russian Defence Ministry briefing showing US-sponsored biolabs on Ukraininan territory. Photo : Russian Ministry of Defence

In May, the Russian Defense Department claimed that Democrats in the US partnered with pharma companies and foundations led by George Soros and Bill Gates to set up bioresearch in Ukraine, using the project to generate additional funding for elections.

The US government set up a way to fund the military bio-research directly from the federal budget, but also used government guarantees to raise funds from “non-governmental organizations controlled by the leadership of the Democratic Party,” said Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov.

These organizations include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, George Soros’s Open Society and investment funds, the Rockefeller Foundation, the EcoHealth Alliance, and Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Partners, Kirillov claimed.

The Daily Mail published emails from the “Laptop from Hell” linking Hunter Biden to the Ukrainian biolabs.

Russian Foreign Ministry Timeline of Alleged US Bioresearch in Ukraine

Source: Russian Ministry of Defence

Russia to Call for UN Investigation of US Biolabs in Ukraine (

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