Monday, October 10, 2022

L.A. Times Admits California Leaders Have Failed for Decades

The notoriously Left-wing L.A. Times admitted that California leaders have failed their state for decades on gas prices. 

Titled: California Repeatedly Warned About Spiking Gas Prices, Fragile Supply. But Fixes Never Came, issues a stark reality that Democrat leaders don’t put their residents first. 

“California officials have had repeated warnings over the last two decades that the state’s unique blend of gasoline is susceptible to supply shortages and sharp price spikes,” the Times noted, adding “but despite multiple reports and special committees, California has struggled to find solutions as it tries to rapidly reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.” 

The liberal paper noted how California experienced recent outages, which pushed the supply of West Coast gasoline to its lowest level in over a decade, however, state leaders failed to come up with a solution. 

“We’ve got to make longer-run plans and not just wait until the crisis is upon us,” Severin Borenstein, the director of UC Berkeley’s Energy Institute at the Haas School of Business said, adding that nothing has been done to combat the problem. 

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif) has blamed “greedy” gas and oil companies for the rise in prices, despite most other parts of the U.S. experiencing a decline in fuel prices. 

“Gov. Gavin Newsom’s decision last week to switch early to the state’s easier and cheaper winter blend of fuel has been credited for minor relief at the pump. But experts say that that move alone does little to remedy a situation that keeps reaching crisis levels. The average gasoline gallon price remains well above $6 in California, about 70% higher than the national average, according to the American Automobile Assn,” the Times wrote.

However, a spokesperson for Valero claimed that California’s policymakers have made it difficult to operate refineries, which limits supply in a crisis.

Due to the state's regulations that require a special blend of gasoline, make “California the most challenging market to serve in the United States,” according to the Valero spokesperson. 

L.A. Times Admits California Leaders Have Failed for Decades – Townhall

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