Friday, October 14, 2022

Elon Musk Has Bad News For Ukraine


Elon Musk went above and beyond the call of duty to help the people of Ukraine.

He put himself and his enterprises at risk to provide Starlink to the people of Ukraine and in my opinion, he shouldn’t have even gotten involved.

War is disgusting wherever it happens but the fact of the matter is that this proxy war is a direct result of U.S., NATO, and CIA meddling in other countries. That’s what needs to end…

Musk explained that providing the services is just too costly to keep doing forever and he requested that the Pentagon should pay for it—which is fair, this is, after all, their war.

If they expect the services of a defense contractor, they should pay for it—the Pentagon, not the Ukrainian people—who are just innocent people caught in the crossfire of a war between the political elite, should be paying for this.

As per usual, liberals were throwing their typical virtue-signal outrage party, Musk’s response to some of these claims was hilarious: 

NTD News provided more insight:

The letter cited by CNN claimed that SpaceX told the Pentagon that it could not continue bearing the cost of supplying the Starlink service in Ukraine, which reportedly would be almost $400 million for the next 12 months.

The rocket company has so far donated around 20,000 Starlink units to Ukraine, with Musk saying in an earlier post on Twitter that the move has cost SpaceX $80 million so far and would climb to over $100 million by the end of the year.


Teslarati further explained Musk’s reasoning:

Musk also explained that Starlink is still far from profitable, so supporting Ukraine’s satellite internet for free indefinitely is not something that the private space firm can do right now.

He added that it’s very difficult for a LEO communications constellation to avoid bankruptcy, so SpaceX has to focus to ensure that Starlink survives.

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