Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Laurence Fox: ‘My Son Hunter’ Is ‘a Gangster Comedy’ About the ‘Corrupt’ and ‘Powerful’ Biden Family

Actor Laurence Fox, who portrayed Hunter Biden in the forthcoming film My Son Hunterdescribed the movie profiling President Joe Biden’s youngest son as “a gangster comedy about the Biden family” in an interview on Tuesday’s edition of the Breitbart News Daily podcast with host Alex Marlow.

Fox said the creation of quality cultural content must start with art, not politics. He expressed hope in the film’s potential appeal to movie-goers of a variety of political orientations.


He remarked, “You want your average Democrat to be able to watch it and not see it as this sort of very partisan political film. It’s actually not particularly partisan. … It’s a gangster comedy about the Biden family, who seem, from what I can tell, to be amongst the most corrupt of the powerful families in America.”

“We’ve got to stand up for beauty,” he said, emphasizing the importance of aesthetics in art and beyond.

He added, “Persuadable Americans should see this and know that the man who is running their country basically sold it to China.”

Listen below:

Fox lamented left-wing ideological capture of entertainment production companies, centralization of control over the creation of cultural output, and the homogenization of film, television, and art.

He stated, “A lot of entertainment nowadays is moral lecturing, and we need to tell stories to uphold, lift up, and embolden our culture like films used to be made. Oliver Stone is an interesting example of that, because you would have thought Oliver Stone would have jumped on this story with the wacky conspiracy theories [that] he quite likes.”

“Where was Hollywood?” he asked, reflecting on reflexive political critiques of My Son Hunter prior to its release. “I would have thought in the Hollywood of my lifetime, people would be dying to make this film, and yet what you’ll find is that in this sort of monochromatic empty culture that we’ve been left with by this woke mob, that the people will try and just criticize [the film]. The most important message is that it’s a really good, funny film.”

Watch the trailer:

Fox said the film harmonizes both tragic and comic aspects of its depiction of the dynamic between Joe and Hunter Biden.

He said, “Your first job as an actor is not to judge your character. You have to find the humanity in them. That’s the most important thing, and with [Hunter Biden], as you say, he’s a very smart guy, and I know a lot of smart people that do a lot of drugs, as well, to try and quell some of that smartness.”

“He’s very convincing,” Fox said of Hunter Biden. “I listened to his book rather than reading it, because I wanted to hear it from his own mouth, but you want to show a guy that is trying to impress a dad. That’s ultimately what he wants to do, and his dad obviously has a very tragic story with Beau, which he brings up at the most inopportune moments whenever he can, for some reason. You’ve got this black sheep child who is trying to do the right thing by his dad, and ultimately, it just turns out that what he did was so malevolent and so evil.”

My Son Hunter marks Breitbart’s expansion into film distribution. The film is available for PRE-ORDER NOW at MySonHunter.com and becomes available for streaming and downloading September 7.  The trailer has already been viewed over 4.5 million times across social media.

Laurence Fox: 'My Son Hunter' Is 'a Gangster Comedy' (breitbart.com)

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