Thursday, September 1, 2022

DISGUSTING: Univision Practically Promotes Childlessness

Univision News joined their mainstream counterparts Thursday in promoting the Great Reset plan to depopulate Earth in the name of the so-called global warming crisis, with a midday report that warned about the skyrocketing costs of having a family. Like, can you imagine having to spend your hard earned income on housing, feeding, and educating your kin?

Think twice before bringing more children home”: that was the advice offered by Univision anchor Borja Voces of the midday EdiciĆ³n Digital, while reporting the findings of a Brookings Institute study which concluded that the cost of raising a child from birth to 17 years of age rose dramatically to $310,000 -- a whopping $26K more than 2020 (up like everything else since Joe Biden became President).

Watch Voces as enlightens the traditional, family-loving Hispanic audiences that watch Spanish television, on the subject of going childless during his "I'll Explain" segment:

BORJA VOCES: And, let's keep on talking about money. If you are thinking of having a child or want another one, pay attention to this information. The cost of raising a child from birth to 17 years of age grew dramatically. But how many dollars are we talking about? Let me explain.

Let's go straight with the information, hold on-, curves are coming. There you are seeing it: it costs $310,000 . This represents $26,000 more since 2020. Maybe that's one of the reasons why birth rates have fallen to their lowest level since 1979. But those $310,000, mind you, don't include college, according to a Brookings Institute study. The Pew Research Center found that 44% of non-parents, between 28 and 49 years of age, no longer plan to be parents. The Department of Agriculture says that 99% (sic) of household income goes to paying rent, 18% for food, and 16% for child care and education. Well now you know; with numbers like these, many will have to think twice before bringing more children home. Carolina, what do you think?

CAROLINA SARASSA: Love, Borja, that is free, it costs nothing to give it and receiving it makes one very happy.

“But those $310,000, mind you, don't include college, according to a Brookings Institution (sic) study!”, Voces went on warn the public.

After all, The Pew Research Center found that 44% of non-parents, between 28 and 49 years of age, no longer plan to be parents. "Well now you know; with numbers like these, many will have to think twice before bringing more children home," he finished.

Luckily, co-anchor Carolina Sarassa -- a mother of two -- saved the report from total wreckage: "Love, Borja, that is free, it costs nothing to give it and receiving it makes one very happy."

DISGUSTING: Univision Practically Promotes Childlessness | Newsbusters

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