Saturday, July 9, 2022

The Netherlands and Sri Lanka Are Falling Victim to the Build Back Better Agenda

Poorer, hungrier, but 'greener'.

The Netherlands and Sri Lanka are in chaos.

But too few are seeing the common web in which both nations find themselves increasingly trapped.

This web is the new liberal world order which, in the name of health, the green agenda, and human rights, threatens basic agriculture, normal family life, and civil freedoms.

You might ask why I use such an outlandish term as the ‘liberal world order’. Am I falling prey to conspiracy theories again, such as how I argued the vaccines do not work and lockdowns represent needless destruction?

No, I use that term because that is how the global liberal order describes itself.

Watch how Joe Biden’s advisor explains to the American people why they will need to tolerate skyrocketing inflation indefinitely:

The bizarre obsession with the Russian-speaking territories of Ukraine, and the subsequent willingness to derail the global economy (even while the Russian ruble increases in value and Russian exports soar to China and India) to somehow undermine Putin, is at the core of this effort to bring about a liberal world order, as was the internationalization of vaccine and masks.
But it is important to note that this new order is not merely directed as ‘enemies’ such as Putin. It targets citizens in ‘friendly’ nations.

Let’s begin with the Netherlands.

We saw endless tape of the Floyd incident. The media is not showing you this, however - cops shooting at unarmed protestors in liberal Netherlands:The young man driving the tractor was lucky:

And the above young man is not the only protestor to have been shot at:

Why is this happening? Why are Dutch farmers protesting and being shot at?

Their government has recently announced an upcoming radical curb of nitrogen emissions for their country. Nitrogen is emitted by manure and to meet government targets, it is estimated that 30% of the nation’s cattle will have to be culled.

As a result, thousands of ancient and family farms are threatened with closure and land expropriation.

Bear in mind, and this will surprise you, the Netherlands is the second largest agricultural exporter in the world, behind only the US. It would seem insane to do this as the world experiences rising food prices, but here we are.

In response, farmers have taken to the cities and the fields. Look at the footage below:

Why has there been so little coverage of this?

As seen above, political writer and philosopher, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, has been covering this on Twitter, and this past week, she made it onto the show of the indispensable Tucker Carlson, to explain what is going on and why in her native country.

Whatever you may believe about nitrogen emissions, consider why cattle farmers are being asked to sacrifice their livelihoods, and not the industry giants of aviation and construction.

Of course, there is a man, the largest funder of the WHO, the former employer of the head of NATO, and the largest private owner of American farmland, who has famously proposed this:

We are already seeing an attempt to change behaviour and tastes of the masses.

See here for a video of Nicole Kidman displaying her appetite for eating disgusting insects.
And then take a look at a recently deleted article from the UN’s website.

One problem we face is that this agenda is so obvious, so transparent, and yet so sickening, that it becomes almost unbelievable. But this has long been a strategy of propagandists, the so-called Big Lie.

Dutch farmers are facing arrest and the same aggressive crackdown which Canadian truckers faced at the hands of the Trudeau regime when they protested mandatory vaccination, and found their bank accounts frozen and their trucks seized.

Something similar, yet more devastating, is taking place in Sri Lanka.

A soldier guards a fuel pump after a gas station ran out of gasoline in Kandy

Hunger is stalking Sri Lanka.

Government workers are being given days off so they can grow their own food.

Families are skipping meals.

The government has no foreign currency to pay for imports anymore and thus fuel is no longer allowed to be purchased for private use.

Schools have closed and people are being asked to work from home where possible.

The government has defaulted on its debt and is looking for a bailout from the IMF.

Officially, inflation is over 50%. But food prices have increased even more, and fuel much more on top of that.

But here is the connection with Netherlands that nobody is making yet: nitrogen.

In 2021, the importing of fertilizers was banned in order to reduce nitrogen waste and to force all farmers to go ‘organic’. This destroyed Sri Lankan agriculture. The ban was lifted in November, but not before half of Sri Lankan crops failed.

When tourism was decimated by covid lockdowns, the double blow ensured the collapse of the Sri Lankan economy.

And now starvation and poverty have taken a stranglehold over the island nation.

The Sri Lankan government is looking now to Russia for cheaper fuel, whilst China and India are hovering too, to fund a bailout and an extension of their influence. Unlike the Netherlands, Sri Lanka does not have centuries of development to fall back on when crisis hits.

As we saw with covid, the ‘cure’ to apparent problems is proving far more deadlier than the disease. Sri Lanka is not sinking under the ocean - but it is sinking under the pain of a bizarre global agenda which seeks to promote hunger and poverty in the name of sustainability and health.

It is clear that the nations of the world now desperately need leaders with the courage to oppose this liberal world order, and go their own way in supporting the daily lives of their own people.

The Netherlands and Sri Lanka Are Falling Victim to the Build Back Better Agenda (

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